[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c8aSpYh.png[/img][/center] Just when she was about to let go of the IOU notes, the two goons backed out of their approach towards Tamiko right at the last second. It seemed as though they were somehow intimidated by the guy that had popped out from out of nowhere, although Tsurushi had no idea why. Shaking her head in disgust, Tsurushi opened her purse and shoved the two IOU notes inside. She wasn't about to give her phone number out to a couple of creeps for no good reason; especially not if they hadn't completed the job that she asked them to do. [color=2edfc0]"Had I known you'd be so useless, I would've done this myself,"[/color] she told the two goons, as she turned her back to them and took her leave. It looked like she had no choice but to make a scene after all, as reluctant as she was to make one. ... Tsurushi fished around her purse for some time, eventually finding and pulling out a stun gun that she kept on her for her personal defense. All the while, she took the time to observe the man that had just showed up behind Tamiko. He seemed like a nice guy on the [i]surface[/i], even having went so far as to gift the girl with something. But Tsurushi had to deal with that facade all the time, to the point where she could never tell what was genuine and what wasn't any more. Still, the fact that he was able to get Tamiko to talk to him without any of the hostilities had to account for something. Curious as to what sort of trick would have to come to play, Tsurushi made her approach. [color=2edfc0]"Excuse me,"[/color] she said, hoping to get the man's attention, [color=2edfc0]"May I ask how you know Suzukaze-chan, here?,"[/color] Tsurshi maintained a somewhat professional interaction with the man so far, but kept her stun gun off to the side with her thumb on the switch that would turn it on. Just on the off-chance that the encounter were to go horribly [i]wrong[/i].