The men in coats drew closer towards the crowd of nomads, pressing in ever so delicately. As they passed, a couple snippets of hushed conversation could be heard among the strangers, caught in bits and pieces by those surrounding them. [i]"I can see her, she's with someone."[/i] [i]"Yes, passing by that girl with the bat."[/i] [i]"Is it one of Them? I cannot tell."[/i] [i]"We'll need to kill him first. The girl will not pose a threat to us."[/i] [i]"Victory will come at a cost."[/i] [i]"No fear. We die in the light to cast our shadow."[/i] One of the men cut into the crowd, not even caring as he brushed past the gray-haired nomad Ivory, intently focused on the small figure being escorted through the crowd. The exact small figure Claudette Adelson was searching for and spotted seconds too late... --- [center][img][/img][/center] [b][code]Zun - Airport.[/code][/b][hr] "Hey, what are those guys?" May heard her interviewed person ask. "They the local gestapo or somethin'?" "Gestapo who what now?" Willie said nervously, glancing around the crowded area. May, a much more seasoned eye for these sort of things, couldn't help but spot the figures cloaked in unusually warm clothing milling about. "Hmm, very sneaky, heaps of men in strange coats" May mused aloud. "I bet they're spies, maybe from some upstart Nomad Fighting Tourney looking to take down this one!" "But they just cancelled it," Wally pointed out. "Exactly, the plan worked!" "What plan?" Undeterred, May scribbled down notes rapidly in her notebook, just as the cloaked figure brushed past her too. "Hey, what's the big idea pal?" May said irritably as the man paused in front of two people, one notably shorter then the other. "If you're looking to sabotage the big event, you already won ya chook!" Wally, expecting a confrontation, turned the camera on and pointed it at the figure, but he ignored her entirely, dropping his suitcase to reveal... "No!" "What the fuck!?" "You Shadowed scum, I'll-!" A piercing shriek filled the air as the cloaked man fired a gun into the taller man's chest, silencing the buzz of the crowd. The taller man stumbled but tackled the gunman in an attempt to disable him, but he fired twice more at point blank range sending him to the ground. The man looked up at the smaller figure, and with his dying breath uttered two words. "!" The screaming started in earnest as the crowd scattered, with the confusion starting more then a few fights among the already riled up nomads. As the gunman turned to look at the girl whose bodyguard he gunned down, a pen struck him on the side of the head with enough force to send him flying across the room, bouncing back into May's outstretched hand. "Fuck me dead, that just happened," May said, a mixture of fear and excitement in her tone. "Willy tell me you got that on film!" "Is now really the time?!?" The girl named Yasmina, overwhelmed, turn and ran away from the dead bodyguard and deeper into the crowd. All around the airport, the men in long coats disrobed to reveal [url=]shining black armor,[/url] producing not just pistols but rifles and sub-machine guns, opening fire in the direction of the fleeing girl, not caring who or what they hit, the muzzles of their guns flashing a violent crimson with every shot.