[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color] & [color=ForestGreen]Ayita Dyrkin[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/20/44/da2044834aec81be1df39035fc097fc6.gif[/img][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f3/04/68/f30468d9d2e0107f4aa691c28ffd4507.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=Olive]Location: Sub-Basement - Operating Theater[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] Ayita had flinched as Mary's voice rose to a scream. If she had ears she would have flattened them at this unnecessary racket, it was one trait of the humans she did not care for. If she had hackles they would have raised in anger at Mary's self righteous speech. Stepping towards Mary as she made to lead, Ayita was yanked by as her brother fought to sit up. A hand fastened about her arm, which she snarled at it. [color=Olive]"Ayita. Leave it, damn you."[/color] Richard's eyes were sharp with anger and Ayita faltered. The anger was directed at her. Why? What had she done?! It was Mary who was snapping and blowing her top like all the other humans! [color=ForestGreen]"She is a insolent-!"[/color] The younger Laine's jaw snapped shut as Richard cuffed his sister hard upside the head. Snake like eyes glared in annoyance. [color=Olive]"And you are not? Sit. Wait for someone to tend to those burns and shut the hell up."[/color] The Adder growled deeply, showing a temper he rarely released on the sister he was so protective of. [color=Olive]"That bastard was damn right on when he called you both Disney Villains. This isn't the place to have you starting a bitching contest and I thought you were above those."[/color] [color=ForestGreen]"I didn't-!"[/color] [color=Olive]"You did. Perhaps you are human where it counts. Your mouth. Now allow someone who knows something about your incapability to say things in way that others can understand to speak for you."[/color] [color=ForestGreen]"She's just-!"[/color] [color=Olive]"I don't give a flying pig. Leave it."[/color] Richard snarled with particular temper over Ayita's protests. Wisely Ayita shut up as her head snapped away from Richard. Childishly refusing to look at him as she struggled to keep her cutting thoughts in check. It wasn't often she got this upset but Richard was siding with that thorn-tongued bitch! She had tried to explain it and that wasn't enough! Why couldn't he let her deal with it? She wasn't incompetent! Wrapping her arms about herself the younger woman only remained because if she didn't, Ayita was fairly sure Richard would drag her back and in worse shape. Making her wait longer for the hunt to pick up again. She couldn't afford that. She couldn't afford this threat remaining about to mess with her head and making her potentially attacking her family again. That had already happened once with Wonderland after all. Flinching that that reminder, it took all her nerves not to shift. She felt exposed and hunted in this room. Anyone and everyone would attack and call her a monster, a beast. A nightmare that would be better off dead. Murderer. That was what she was after all. If she hadn't killed Wonderland Oshea would still be dead. The virus would have never been released even if Wonderland did live. Nothing would have changed. That life she snuff out would have gone on. Ayita's fingers bit into her shoulders, her jaw tightening. Monster. How could she ever forget that is what she was? Even among other mutants she was a horror. Even Richard saw it! Shoving himself to his feet, Richard wanted to gut his sister. Rare were the times that Ayita was the cause of his temper, and he usually tempered it when it was her in the wrong. But she had gotten her instincts as the dominate bitch up and Marygold wasn't understanding or backing down which only made the entire situation worse. Women, he blamed women for this in general. Taking a moment to steady himself against the pain and waves of vertigo, the Adder reached out to stop [i]someone[/i] from leaving. He didn't give a damn who, but he figured the woman called Rogue would be good enough. Gripping her arm, Richard jerked his head as he staggered towards the door. Motioning he wanted a private word. He would have preferred to speak to Remy but he would work with what he got. [color=Olive]"Won't take long."[/color] The Adder grumbled, his voice quiet and private and gritted through his teeth against the pain. [color=Olive]"And I'm going to explain to my sister the fact weaknesses do have to be pointed out sometimes. But you might want to damn well tell Marygold that my sister does care about Wonderland's death and I'm most likely going to have to sacrifice my nights to deal with the nightmares again."[/color] Giving Rogue an apologetic look he sighed. [color=Olive]"I'd tell Marygold myself, but... I'm not walking out of this room. Wonderland told Ayita the worst damn thing she could when she died. Told her she wasn't a mutant or a human, just a beast. A mindless animal. Our mother called her a monster, fuel to the fire so to speak. She's- Ayita's- got nightmares bad for a time afterwards about confirming those... [i]facts[/i]. Now their going to start up again. There's nothing she regrets more than killing other human beings. Though I say it was a good call. One woman verses thousands if that strain had been released..."[/color] Richard shrugged absently. [color=Olive]"But I'm a bastard and know it. Ayita saw it that way when she attacked, but now she's going to start double guessing herself into a mess again."[/color] Running a hand through his hair, Richard shook his head releasing Rogue. [color=Olive]"Sorry for interrupting you, darling."[/color] Limping back to the table he had been sitting on where Ayita was still sitting.