[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190406/a4d968893c034ea4a3f68c546ed6b1ba.png[/img] [s][i]Generic morning music plays.[/i][/s] Merida rolls over, making a disgruntled sound as the sun was shining right on her eyes, waiting a few moments before deciding she wasn't getting back to sleep. "Ugghhh it's too early," she complains aloud to no one in particular as she stretches. Her eyes lighten as she remembers that she'd planned to go out riding and exploring all day on her own. It's not that she didn't enjoy her mother's company while she was out and about but sometimes she wanted some time to herself. She jumps out of bed, rushing to her bedroom door only grabbing her bow and quiver on the way. "Mom, Dad, I am off for the day, I will be back when I get back," She calls in the direction of the dining room as she runs straight past, stealing a couple of apples off of a tray a servant was carrying toward the dining room. She runs down through the town heading straight toward the stables where Angus was readily waiting for her. "Good morning Angus, ready to go?" She asks excitedly, feeding the horse one of the apples. Angus makes a neighing sound, implying yes, as Merida jumps up onto the horses back, giving a quick, gentle tap of her heels into the horse's sides to get them moving. [s][i]Bold adventurous music plays.[/i][/s] They ride out through the towns main entrance, following the path all the way to the forest entrance where in which they branch off of the main path, going down the side path they had ridden on thousands of times. They trotted down the path, stopping every so often to check things out and taking many detours along the way, exploring new parts of the forest that they had never seen. Eventually, they come to the stone circle somehow managing to make it back there as the sun started to touch the tops of the trees. [s][i]The adventurous music ends as they come into the clearing, replaced with eerie sounds.[/i][/s] Ever since the night when Mor'du was killed and she almost lost her mother, this place had never seemed the same, she could never get rid of a lingering feeling. The broken part of the stone pillar had been taken away along with Mor'du's body and unless you knew what happened here the place looked almost untouched, bar the hoof tracks. "Let's go..." her voice trails off, trying to find a new way to go or something to catch her attention. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a blue flicker just past the tree line of the clearing. "The wisps?" She asks nudging Angus in toward the direction of the wisp. "Let's go have a look as to what fate has in store for us this time," she says to Angus with a hint of curiosity in her voice. [s][i]The eerie music gets eerier as they follow the wisps.[/i][/s] As the two of them ride on fog rolls in from all sides, not letting them see more than a few Barony ell's (42 inches (106.9 cm)) ahead of her as they barreled through the fog. The Fog continues on for a while before suddenly ending in a clearing filled with what looked like horses at a quick glance, and a load of people. She tries to stop Angus before they reach the people, Angus comes to a stop and throws Merida over his head and straight onto the ground infront of her. [s][i]The music comes to an abrupt stop.[/i][/s] She quickly finds her feet, looking around at the area, seeing a city not too far off and noticing that the 'horses' look a lt less like horses and more like something she had never seen before. She quickly turns to see if the path they had came on was still there, quickly realising it was not. She shakes her head no, knowing she's here for a reason before turning to face the group of people looking at her and Angus confused. "Who bloodie well decided to set up a camp here when there's a town just over there?" She points annoyed toward the city not too far from here. "And what are those wee animals over there, where are you lot even from?" She blurts out all her questions, brushing the dirt off of her clothing, not honestly caring too much about it but knows it would make her slightly more presenable.