Once Jack calmed them down, Lock, Shock, and Barrel all nodded. "Yes, Jack!" they said, finally in sync again. "There's a shadow thing in the graveyard," Shock explained. "It's bigger than a cat!" Barrel exclaimed. Upon Jack's mention of tools, the threesome looked at each other. Lock watched as the skeleton headed for a quick home stop, before he turned to his siblings. "If Jack can use his tools," he said, "so--" Shock picked it up quickly. "--Can--" Barrel caught on too. "--We!" The trio nodded once, then headed back the way they came. "Barrel," Shock said, "you go to the graveyard and wait for Jack. Lock and me will get what we need." "Uh-uh," Barrel said, as he pushed past his sister. "I don't want to go alone with that shadow thing!" "Well, [i]I'm[/i] not gonna do it," Lock said, as he tried to catch up. Shock caught up to Barrel and grabbed his collar. She tugged him back, then turned to Lock, who stopped behind her. "We'll draw straws," she suggested. Barrel grinned and quickly pulled three broken bone shards from his pocket, more than happy with this plan. He gleefully held them in his fist and held them out for his siblings, confident that he disguised the shortest one properly. Lock rolled his eyes and took one. Shock took hers, and the three quickly held them in their palms to see who drew the short one. Barrel's grin quickly became a grimace. "Nooo!" he cried. "Re-draw! Re-draw!" Shock brought her fist down on his head. "[i]We don't have time[/i]!" she snarled. She snatched all the bone shards and stuffed them in her pocket. "Now go guard the gate! We'll be right there!" Barrel grudgingly split from the group to go wait by the gate. If anything, he could see if Sally was okay. Lock and Shock made short work of getting to the tree house and up the birdcage elevator. Shock kicked it open upon entrance to the tree house and marched towards the bathroom. "Um, Shock?" Lock asked. "Question." Shock jumped into the bathtub. It tilted as it stood up, then straightened. "What?" she asked. Lock walked alongside the bathtub as it marched to their armory. "...How [i]do[/i] we catch a shadow?" Shock jumped out of the tub and surveyed their equipment. She immediately grabbed a few bombs and firecrackers and tossed them in. "With light," she said. Lock looked around the room too. He nodded in agreement. "Maybe it's not [i]entirely[/i] shadow," he said. "It didn't look see-through." Some bear traps and other small, deadly devices joined the fireworks. "But we should have a dark place to put it," Shock said. She found a box and opened it. Upon seeing three sets of red eyes, she closed it, content that the scorpions were accounted for. That went into the bathtub too. "Or use something dark to catch it," Lock agreed as he pulled down a large trick-or-treat sack. Shock threw in some harpoons, some small knives, and poisons. "Just in case." "We should also grab something to eat," Lock said. "All this shadow hunting is already making me hungry." Shock rolled her eyes. "You sound like Barrel." But one of their candy sacks and a few pumpkins landed on top of the weapon pile. She looked at her brother. "That everything?" she asked. Lock made a final glance around the room. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "Our masks!" "Right," Shock agreed. It took only a moment to gather them. "All right," she said. "Let's--" "--Go," Lock finished. Lock and Shock climbed in. The bathtub kicked down the drawbridge that lead out of the armory and down the twisted old tree that miraculously held up their home. As the outskirts of town were just beyond the graveyard, it didn't take long for the bathtub to run up. Jack got there first. Barrel frantically ran up to him. "It's in there!" he said. "I just saw it! Lock and Shock--" Just as he mentioned them, the bathtub walked up. Shock gestured for Barrel to get in. "Come on!" Barrel didn't need to be told twice. The bathtub kicked open the cemetery gate to lead Jack inside. Lock, Shock, and Barrel each grabbed a weapon and held it at the ready. They chose to start off easy at first: a plunger, a broom, a slingshot. If they needed something more lethal, they could always switch. "It was here," Barrel whispered. "I just saw it." Shock realized something, then looked to her brothers. "Where--" "--Is--" "--Sally?" They got their answer when the bathtub kicked something on the path. Sally's shoe skittered out from underneath, and rested by a nearby tombstone.