The creature stared at the rotten visage of a man, blinking with its big empty eyes. What was he talking about? The creature crunched up its nose and emerged from under the surface, revealing the top half of its head to air for the first time in a long time. Back at it stared the man with deep black eyes, an inhuman look that made the creature almost back away. Yet it stood its ground. [color=teal]"(Bloodsucker? What does this mean? This is my lake. Mine!)"[/color] the creature replied with a fierce pout, its yellowed, sharp teeth revealed in a snarl to the man. It sounded both like a child having a tantrum and a grown adult trying to establish boundaries. [color=teal]"(You are different, land dweller. Different, cold meat, changing flesh. Who are you? What do you want with my lake?)"[/color] The creature floated closer, its gleaming icy gray eyes blinking at the equally enraged man before it.