[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Victor Bonheur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/BgmBGGL.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Gates to Camp Mexico (Not that he knows that!) [b]Skills:[/b] N/A[/center][hr] It took a lot for Victor to ask for help but he knew he needed it. He'd been alone for so long, too long. He held hope that there would be people he knew here, that had made it ahead of him, but he still held that part of his hopes closed off inside his heart. He knew that the likelihood of there being anyone here and that if anyone [i]had[/i] made it, they'd likely not be the same people he'd known before. His heart rate began to quicken and his throat started to constrict and ache as he heard them calling for a doctor. He was nervous, he knew there was something wrong with him, he had a rough idea what it may be but he was afraid to find out for sure. He continually hoped that it was nothing, that it would go away on it's own, that he was feeling it more exaggerated than it would be if he were in a safe place. Victor didn't know what was to come and he was scared. He worked on controlling his breathing as best he could, now was not the time to show more weakness than he could help. Taking some deep breaths to get his heart rate down, Victor placed a hand on his chest, feeling his heart and noted that it had stopped rattling inside his rib cage. That was better. Noticing that Atticus was coming towards him, Victor reflexively took a half step back as he watched him approach but stopped himself from recoiling back any further. He kept his eyes focused as the man of God knelt down and grabbed something from his pack, Victor started suddenly when he heard a crack but then relaxed just as quickly once he realised it was a cool pack, nothing sinister with that. Hesitantly, Victor took it from Atticus and nodded in acknowledgement and silent thanks to him. He rubbed his fingers gingerly over the cool surface before placing it on the back of his neck as advised by the unexpectedly kind stranger before him. He remained in place as the older gentleman moved towards them, advising him that he would not only need to give up his weapons, but that he would need to give up his belongings as well. That hit him like a sledgehammer to the chest. Instinctively, Victor turned his back away from the two men and guarded his pack with his body and he dropped his hand from the cool pack as it shifted around and grabbed at the compass beneath his t-shirt, his fingers clasping around it as he scowled in thought. He did not want to part with his wife's glasses, as broken as they were, or from his notebook of flora nor his trusted friend that lay against his chest each day. [color=khaki]"I understand weapons, but belongings? I... what 'arm could belongings do?"[/color] His voice trailed off as he spoke more to himself than the two men before him. His face screwed up for a fraction of a second, a moment of upset that he quickly shoved deep back down. His eyes glazed over and he looked at the ground, thoughts spinning through his mind. He was no longer aware of where he was or who was around him. As Atticus directed a question towards Victor again, both men waiting for him to hand his belongings over to them, he snapped out of his mental world with a jolt. He blinked rapidly, coming back to the here and now and took a deep breath that tickled his throat and caused another cough to leave him and he turned his head away from Atticus and his colleague to save spraying them with spittle. He wiped the corner of his mouth gingerly with a shoulder and licked his lips before speaking. [color=khaki]"Yes, very long while."[/color] He nodded pretty absently as he considered his next words. Handing his walking stick towards the gentlemen slowly, he spoke carefully. [color=khaki]"Will I 'ave my things returned?"[/color] He looked more towards the older gentleman as he spoke, he had a feeling he held more authority out of the two men in regards to this particular topic. He clipped open the knife holder from his belt and handed it over as well. Tucking the cool pack into his shirt collar to be more comfortable and save it falling down his shirt, Victor reluctantly slipped his arms out of the pack straps and held it in his left hand. [color=khaki]"Can I keep anything? 'Ow long until they are returned, can you say?"[/color] He reached into his pack and felt his fingertips along the broken frames of the glasses and then over the tattered spine of his notebook. He did not want to lose them. He kept his eyes at his pack, his right hand stroking and moving his belongings around in his pack. [color=khaki]"I just... I must know s'il vous plaƮt."[/color] He lifted his hand out and grabbed the string holding his compass around his neck and lifted it over his head, unhooking the string from around his ears as it caught on them as he pulled it up. He draped it carefully into his pack and carefully wrapped the string around his notebook loosely, keeping them together, then closed his pack over. He felt the weight of his pack and chewed the inside of his lower lip before offering his pack to Atticus. [hr]