[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UmLPAXf.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180707/1d50f363a36c7e98c93b5def3b819485.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/L5QTYE1.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOwihbur34E][color=35996B] But this time it's real It's something that I feel and If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins You know it's love heading your way [/color][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/sI5XG7i.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] [color=silver] Archer’s finger traced the curves of Kavans chest absentmindedly as they both still lay in his bed. They hadn’t moved for a couple of hours just staying in bed talking and laughing, in utter paradise. Suddenly they were pulled back to reality by the sound of the front door opening and the murmur of voices. Archer could feel his friend tense up under his hand he looked up at his eyes seeing them widen… was that panic? [color=gray]“Maa, daddy you’re home early!”[/color] you could hear Amoli saying from downstairs almost as a warning. Kavan shot out of bed scrambling to get his clothing on at the same time he was running his hands through his hair making it more presentable. [color=35996B]“Is…”[/color] Archer started a feeble attempt to get Kavan’s attention. His friend looked around his room before he looked back up at Archer’s worried face. [color=851309]“I think you better go home for now…”[/color] The words smacked him hard in the face. His eyes rose and fell slowly [color=35996B]“Oh… oh yeah sure… of course.”[/color] He said as he quickly got dressed a million thoughts running through his head as he did. As Archer passed him in the doorway to his room Kavan gave him a strange look that seemed to be a mixture of regret and apology. As they reached the first floor Kavan’s parents warmly greeted them as they usually did when Archer was over at their house. [b]“You’re going already Archer? Not staying for dinner?”[/b] Mrs. Varma asked. Archer struggled to plaster a smile on his face [color=35996B]“Oh… Uhm no I need to get back home. I’ve been gone way to long… you know my mother will worry Mrs. Varma. But thank you for the offer.”[/color] he stuttered out. He turned around to face Kavan again [color=35996B]“I… Well thanks for the study session dude. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow”[/color] he said not knowing what to do with his hand so he settled with an awkward shoulder pat before rushing out of the front door. When he reached his car he sat in it tightly gripping the steering wheel for a few minutes breathing heavy. He tried to shake of the feeling he had ruined something before he drove away towards his house. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sI5XG7i.png[/img][/center] His finger tapped nervously on the side of his phone as he stared at the screen. Archer let out a puff of smoke through the open window. He had sat there since he had arrived home trying to get his thoughts straight. He killed his sixth cigarette before flicking it out of the window as he closed it. Archer’s thumbs now flowed over his phone typing the text that he had ran through his head a thousand time since he had arrived home. He erased and retyped it a few times before he sent it with a huge sigh. [right][img]https://i.imgur.com/7dVkCvb.png[/img][/right] His green eyes stayed on his message bubble to see if Kavan would open the text immediately. He did not. [color=35996B][i]Obviously he is busy. He has a lot to do. And it’s not like he thinks about me all the time. He doesn’t have his phone glued to his hands like I do.[/i][/color] Archer reasoned as he threw his phone on the small table beside his bed and connected it to the charging cord. A small grown escaped him as he flopped onto his bed staring up at the ceiling. What should he do? Maybe call Marisol? No she would not get it… he could hear her now [color=brown]“Well you got laid! Be fucking happy!”[/color]. No that wasn’t going to help. He decided to process this on his own before talking to his friend about this tomorrow. Deciding to push this to the back of his mind for now he grabbed his current reading book and tried to busy himself with immersing himself in the world of the book. This was a feat proving to be to hard for him because every two minutes or so he checked his phone to see if a reply had been received. Even a twitter video of Ariel punching King's resident douchebag Kavi couldn't keep him from worrying about the text. He commented a few cryinglauhging emojis and tagged Marisol. Then went back to staring at blue bubble. After a while he could at least see that the message had been read. Which made it even harder to concentrate on anything else. A faint gasp left him as he checked for the last time before deciding to go to sleep, the dreaded gray monster. [img]https://i.imgur.com/S4vpNdy.png[/img] He flipped his phone upside down and turned his back to it forcing himself to shit his eyes and drift of to sleep. [/color]