[hider=Dion] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ls76hI0.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=1b1464][h2]Dion Sturgenson[/h2][/color][/center] Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Dion has several runic tattoos on his body. He stands around 6' in height, coming in at 85kg(185 lbs). He speaks with a bit of an accent, often mixing in Japanese into his sentences, usually when cursing. Abilities: [h3][center][color=1b1464]Wyrd[/color][/center][/h3] To learn a rune he has to study it, learn what the word means, learn what the symbol is, and learn about what it means to him Tyr:Tyr(God of warriors) Summons a single weapon, currently a small throwing knife in a pocket of subspace. The blade has the rune etched in the hilt and materializes around the drawn rune. Can be summoned back to the hand when thrown. It can be used with his katana to create an elemental blade. -Low Drain Kenaz: Fire By exciting atoms around him, Dion is able to produce fire, or an small 10 yard explosion of a small object if written on it as a trap. -Low Drain Isa: Ice- Dropping the temperature of things he is able to freeze things. Focusing and using more energy he is able to freeze parts of people he touches. -Mid Drain Stan: Stone- Dion draws the power of earth to reshape the earth around him. Often this is a shell of near impenetrable earth or a prison trap. -Mid drain to High Drain Perth: Unknown- Dion hides his presence, becoming unperceivable to nearly any being and all cameras as he bends light around him and dampens sound. -Mid to High Drain Laguz:Water- Using this rune, Dion can freely manipulate water, and in a pinch use this rune to heal minor wounds. -High Drain Hunter's Instincts: Dion has heightened reflexes and is notably faster than most people, devo's included. Being infused with the Wyrd, he has developed a mildly stronger boy that is resistant to cutting and blunt trauma. [center][h3][color=1b1464]Skills:[/color][/h3][/center] Linguistics: Dion is fluent in English, Norwegian, and Japanese. He has a bit of knowledge of Old Norse. Combat Training: Dion was trained in Iaidō(Journeyman 6th Dan), Kendo(Apprentice 4th Dan), and Shorinji Kempo(Apprentice 4th Dan); since he turned 5. It is something his Grandfather was insistent on as it would surely benefit him in the future. He took to Iaidō like a fish to water. He just attained his new Rank in this martial art. Diplomat's charm: Dion's taken a few lessons from his grandmother on how to sway the opinions of others. [center][h3][color=1b1464]Equipment:[/color][/h3][/center] A platinum pendant given to him by his father on his last birthday before he was taken away. It has the Nordic rune Pertho with the inscription of [i]To lose everything is to gain Everything.[/i] A traditional Katan forged by a family friend. It is carbon steel and has a black sheath. The hilt has the family seal engraved in it on the butt. [center][color=1b1464][h3]Biography:[/h3][/color][/center] Dion was born Late December in 2004 to Leif and Zara Sturgenson. He has an older brother, Bjorn who is five years older than he is. He was unaware of his family's secret as he grew up, believing they were all normal. He himself thought Devo's where pretty cool as what kid doesn't like the idea of super powers? As his father was transferred from the marines to the Peacekeepers, they relocated to Ney York City. He was 9 when the Black Sabbath occurred. Several years after he lost both of his grandparents on his father's side due to riots. Dion's favorite part of classes was history. Especially his parent's mixed culture. As a biracial Japanese Norwegian American, he often travelled to Japan to see is mother's grandparents in Okinawa. There, the Devo's are in better living conditions than back home. His aunt is one and she is allowed to live with her family as her power is rather benign with being able to regenerate. His mother's family is rather tolerant and sees the Devo's as how humans will progress forward. His Grandfather, Ippo, is the head of the Devo-Humans Relations Committee. The DHRC is against the brutality of the Peacekeepers and only hosts a single Outpost for them in Tokyo. Ippo regularly has Dion's family over at Christmastime, especially when Dion showed signs of being a Devo. It happened when Dion was 16. He was in Japan at the time and for Christmas he was given a set of wooden runes by his Aunt. He was playing with them and used his first rune, Kenaz which set the runes ablaze. Immediately Peacekeepers had been called but Ippo had such high clout he raised a hellstorm over it all, and arranged for Dion to get papers to allow him to be able to travel out of the States to visit his family, approved by the Japanese government. To this end, relations between Japan and the UN were getting strained as none of the citizens approved of the brutal methods of the Peacekeepers. They were calling it a Hostile Invasion to our nation and it's people. While it meant that he was able to move between nations, he was heavily monitored and hassled in the States. Especially since Leif was a Commander and it eventually cost him his promotion. They said he had a Conflict of Interest and it really tore at the family. His mother stays with him in the compound, his grandfather very upset over the conditions there. Not once has he ever lacked for things though with their home being [s]ransacked[/s]checked every month, they are under a fair bit of stress, his mother lost her job at the Hospital and they restrict the time his father and brother are able to see them. Motivations for being sympathetic to the DRM Having such a hard time living in the state, as the Peacekeepers are making it insanely difficult for his father to get accepted as a citizen in Japan, he wants to see everyone get past this and see that the way it's being handled is completely wrong. He relates to the Peacekeepers as the New Nazis. He despises most of them. He understands that some people want to feel safe but this is not the way to go about it and he fears the growing tension in Japan as the UN is increasing it's sanctions on the country. [/hider]