[hider=The last of a line] Name: Maurice de Sauvage Title(s): Boss Sauvage, The Tally Man [hider=Appearance] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/68381b9a-f95d-4886-a29d-cfab079214a0/dcgcr5h-4ef9ee62-c776-475b-9162-d0cd3503d7a3.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzY4MzgxYjlhLWY5NWQtNDg4Ni1hMjlkLWNmYWIwNzkyMTRhMFwvZGNnY3I1aC00ZWY5ZWU2Mi1jNzc2LTQ3NWItOTE2Mi1kMGNkMzUwM2Q3YTMuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.oQ-UEsIKMFa8AdUD1OToUOuvYU1FkskBTEH7VFPXvJ8[/img] [/hider] Gender: Male Age: 30 Alignment: Neutral Evil Rank: Cause Objective for the Grail: To rid his lineage of the degenerative madness which has long afflicted them. Character Objectives: -Reestablishing his family in the magickal community by winning the war and taking Paris. (primary) -Continue his line and traditions of his family by marriage into another magus family. (Secondary) -Add to the family grimoire. (Secondary) Command Seal: A jagged crown with five points. Personality: A grim gentleman, with the air of authority expected from one who has raised to head both family and estate. Maurice de Sauvage was once a bright and gentle mannered child, who has since become victim to the decay of his line. Black thoughts and darker moods typically wash over him in waves, wherein he feels the voices of the spirits speak their loudest. Often he will isolate himself when these fits become particularly intense, spending hours or even days locked away in bouts of shouting mania. Little brings the bitter magus joy as his family's 'curse' tightens its grip on Maurice. Bio: A native of Louisiana, Maurice de Sauvage was an only child, and most recent heir to the Sauvage traditions of magecraft. Tracing their lineage back to France, for roughly five-hundred years they have practiced their craft in pursuit of knowledge and prestige. From an early age he was groomed to take on the mantel of heir and head of the family, being the only child his parents would ever have. As such, his was a lonely and regimented childhood, being schooled privately by his relatives and various hired tutors. Eventually the time came for him to inherit the family's crest, and with it a piece of the Libre de Sauvage: a grimoire of the collected magickal research and writings of the Sauvage family over the past five-hundred years. At that tender age, Maurice was also put into contract with a patron spirit (as is tradition for magi of the Sauvage household). A spiritual tutor and guide whom the initiate might learn and profit from, in exchange for sacrifice and adulation by the mage. Maurice's own patron spirit is Baal'Berith, Lord of the Covenant and an ancient spirit of death and sorcery. Since inheriting the crest, he has worked closely with the spirit, waiting for the visions, whispers, and omens to present themselves in the midst of his studies. To this day he praises Baal'Berith, reaping the benefits of such devotion as the spirit aides him in the pursuit of occult knowledge and power over the spirits of the dead. The young magus soon began to keep a meticulous and well organized tally of those spirits and specters with whom he trafficked, and those which owed him service. As he grew, so did the rot and foulness of his line within him, his kin, and their very dwelling. His mother passed of a wasting fever, his father finally succumbed to madness, and the already bleak plantation house had grown even more dilapidated. Still, as his forbears had for so many years, Maurice de Sauvage pressed on in his studies. Soon, with the passing of all other relations and the resignation of all but those most essential and loyal of staff, the magus was alone in his ancestral home. Gone were the small yet comforting gatherings of family and acquaintance of his boyhood years, replaced now with grim silence and the whispers of the spirits. This lonely existence only seemed to exasperate the sensitivity and black moods which plagued Maurice, bringing him to volatile and often violent outbursts over seemingly imaginary slights and unheard arguments. In time Maurice would himself come to realize that staying in his beloved home in such isolation would only destroy him. He would not be the one to finally destroy his line, no matter how far it might have fallen. The name of Sauvage would again instill respect and a healthy fear into those who had reason to know it. After some weeks of meditation, divination, and communion with his patron and the spirits the opportunity he sought had presented itself. The Grail war, an event he'd only read of in passing during his schooling, but a chance to cure himself of the ailments which afflicted him and to restore his family to their former glory! Preparing himself and with the guidance of Baal'Berith, Maurice de Sauvage now makes his way to Paris, with grim determination on his face and a dark ambition in his heart. --- Magic Circuit Switch: Mental focus on the sigil of Maurice's patron spirit. Number of Magic Circuits: C Quality of Magic Circuits: B --- Elemental Affinity: Ether and Earth Magecraft: General Magecraft: The fundamentals of magickal theory and practice known by any student of the arts, including formal craft. Astrology: Study of the heavens and their motion, years of stargazing and practice have given Maurice a firm command of western astrology as a tool for divination, self assessment, and its use in empowering other forms of magecraft and rituals. By aligning ritual objects and diagrams to mirror the proper astrological conditions, conducting rites while the heavens are within certain positions, or using materials which better conduct the power of individual bodies, Maurice can use the power of the stars to sometimes horrifying effect. Black Magick: A remnant of the folk magick with which the Sauvage family began their studies into occult, blended with their newer forays into the local traditions in the southern United States. This can pertain to various spells with the power to blight, harm, and otherwise endanger or inconvenience a target individual or location. However, it can also be used more in utility, creating strange and foul items of power that might confer invisibility, grant strength, or gain one the love of another. Often involves crude and rather macabre ingredients, such as sacrificing small animals, ingesting blood and liquor, or making use of human remains. Demonolatric Voodoo: The expertise of the Sauvage family, a strange melding of European folk magick, renaissance demonology, and the voodoo practices of the South. Much like traditional voodoo, the magician invokes the power of spirits, through which he can command great power. However, rather than the traditional Loa, or even Christian angels or saints, the Sauvage tradition invokes the power of demonic entities summoned in the classical tradition of magickal circles. Regardless of the distinction, the effects are roughly the same given that the widespread belief in angelic and daemonic entities helps to stabilize the magick itself. Maurice traffics with these entities, who (as per popular belief) were lords of the low places and masters of the secrets within them. Praising and giving homage to such entities grants Maurice a portion of their power and influence over the material and spiritual planes. They may even assist him when channeling otherworldly energies and gaining the service of departed spirits. The construction of idols and talismans to these spirits, and sufficient sacrifice will often please the demons enough to bestow greater favor upon the magician. Crest: Twelve Generations old Weapon: Ritual Knife: A curved blade which was fashioned by his great grandfather, cooled in sacrificial blood and inscribed with all manner of ancient and occult symbols. This item has been in use by the Sauvage family as a ritual component for roughly a century, and has become a powerful heirloom in Maurice's hands. With it his power can be focused and amplified to a greater degree. To him, it is as though the veil becomes thinner and the spirits more familiar with its bite, the blade's keen edge drawing back slick with their essence. Idol of Baal'Berith: A two foot tall statuette of a crowned skull atop a ziggurat. Painstakingly carved from solid oak, and treated with all manner of sacred oils, Maurice has used this small idol as the center of his shrine to the demon in question. Countless animals and men have had their blood and other fluids spilled onto the statuette, which has stained the object a dark, reddish-brown. Maurice himself has offered his own blood in devotion to his patron rather frequently. Now that he is in a new land and left his home behind, it will act as a fairly mobile shrine for the magus, empowering his magecraft and rituals. In time he hopes to have it once again sit center within a proper shrine and alter to his patron. Talisman of Minor Luck: A talisman crafted by Maurice to protect himself from curses and predatory powers that might wish to target him. In truth its blessing from his demonic patron has helped to increase his luck in day to day life and in dire circumstances. .38 snub nosed revolver, switchblade, chalk, candles, cigarettes and case, matchbook, incense, brandy, one hundred euros (cash), suitcase filled with spare formal and leisure wear. Exceptional Benefit: Libre de Sauvage- The heirloom Grimoire of the de Sauvage family, handed down from heir to heir since the day their distant ancestor began his studies into the occult. Contains the total sum of the combined knowledge and experiments of each member of the de Sauvage family who became a practitioner of the Art. Rituals, formulae, incantations, a list of the various pacts made by the family, and other such secrets fill its ancient pages. So integral has it become to the identity and traditions of the Sauvage family, that a small portion of the tome has become the foundation to the crest implanted into the family heirs, tying the two together. The age and use of this book has slowly transformed it into a powerful item, through which powerful magicks can be worked in ritual fashion. Also provides further elucidation on the family tradition in the form of footnotes and other such helpful inserts by later family members. [/hider]