Light wsan't too sure what to make of the two newcomers who approached on a motorcycle, being a bit too preoccupied playfully poking the pile of thugs nearby. They didn't seem all that strong, although with her head visible they did comment on her which she thought was adorable. They did rally a few of the KO'ed thugs to their feet and all with a cry of "Tunnel Snakes...." with the thugs saying "Rule!" but again, even their little bladed weapons didn't look super strong either. Wanting to play with these two newcommers, Light made her way to them with a grin on her face. While Liexe was making a distraction with her bull charge into the group. As the thugs that Liexe wasn't distracted stood at attention at Light approaching, she had a fun idea. Using her Sharp Void ability, she dashed through a few of the thugs, striking them with void energy. She then abducted the first thing she could grab and jumped away, having struck two other goons with her Sharp Void ability. Of course she couldn't see who she grabbed with everything being a blur, and lo and behold, it was the one guy who she jumped at the start of this whole fight! [color=00aeef]"Hello again!"[/color] Light said with a grin, the man who was full of vim and vigor suddenly adorning a face of terror at the sight of Light. He tried to struggle as Light walked away from the group, who were more focused on Liexe to help. She brought the struggling man over to Sam, petting him like he was a teddy bear or doll. She offered the man to Sam, saying. [color=00aeef]"Hey buddy, wanna give a hug to this guy for me? Some of the others in that group need some love!"[/color] The thug, seeing the hulking wall that was Sam, started to panic even more. First he was terrified by this creepy feeling monster lady, then abducted by her again, and now he was going to be left in the care of a giant man? It just wasn't his day!