Wait wait... I think i'm dumb. So we have complete access to fully modern military-grade equipment barring something insane like an Abrahms or Apache? I honestly thought we were in Mad Max world so I figured even if we're soldiers we'd get harpoons and technicals as equipment. Does that mean I can get my jeep switched out for a Wiesel or even a Boxer and the mines for actual anti-personnel mines? What's our tech type? American, European or Soviet? Can I specc into artillery observer, get a direct line to an artillery piece and just call a howitzer strike on the problem? Can anybody from any military unit join Gram like can I make a character literally just a logistics chief that drives a truck and keeps everybody's equipment in order? I've got Lots of questions but mostly because I love modern military fiction against supers/magic and especially witches. I used to play in a group game where we had to kill WW2 nazi magical girls supported by Cyborgs and Cthulhu monsters so a large part of my brain gets excited at the thought of killing witches with modern weapons.