[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/l6qfUOj.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.ome.lt/jq8jboEYudYNp8Qe6MvqGqHf_LM=/1200x630/smart/extras/conteudos/Tati-Gabrielle.png[/img][/center] [center][sub][color=#2ECC71]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/sub] [sub][b][color=#2ECC71]Location |[/color][/b] Misfits' meeting place, Santa Monica, California [b][color=#2ECC71]Interacting with |[/color][/b] Basically all the Misfits[/sub] [sub][color=#2ECC71]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/sub][/center] [indent]Normally rays of sunlight would peak through the curtains of anyone’s room…well almost anyone. Instead of rising with the sun, Umbra found herself surrounded in a veil of darkness. The blackout curtains doing their best work of keeping her room as dark as her soul, edgy I know. The pleas from her grandma were incessant, but not enough to shake the slumber that tethered the queen of the damned to her fluffy mattress. A groggy voice left her lips insisting on only needing five more minutes, she had until 11 am after all to meet at Santa Monica Pier. In her zombie state, she decided to check her phone to see how much time she had left before her alarm jolted her awake. Her hand proceeded to knock down everything imaginable off her night stand before finding her phone. Her fingers ejected the pentagram pop socket as to not strain her measly pinky. [color=#2ECC71]“Oh, it’s only 11 I have more than enough time”[/color] she said as she collapsed back into bed. That’s when the fear set in and Umbra’s light skin turned a ghostly white. Her body jumped like a woman possessed as she furiously unlocked her phone and opened her alarm app only to see she had set an alarm for 11 pm instead of am. [color=#2ECC71]“Are you kidding me!?!”[/color] she spat, throwing her phone down, racing towards the shower as she stripped off her top and black cat pajamas. Perhaps the first sign in a string of bad luck the young witch would face today. Diamond was so desperate to catch her friends she had even brought her toothbrush fully loaded with paste into the shower with her. If only she had a spell to give her more arms, than she wouldn’t need to rotate between her razor, toothbrush, and bar of soap. Leaping out of the shower, with soapy suds tastefully covering her womanly bits, Umbra jumped into her pile of all black clothes hoping to find something…anything clean and cute. Hair and make up would just have to wait, Umbra was sure Em would love the opportunity to touch her face. [color=#2ECC71]“Shower. Check. Clothes. Check. Back pack. Check. All good now let me just see what fate has for me”[/color] The flummoxed teen was finally able to catch her breathe having completed her checklist. Laying out her customized tarot cards she did a quick run of her daily fate. The first card she turned over was The Magician in reverse. [color=#2ECC71]“Poor planning. Shit okay”[/color] Knowing full well she deserved that one. [color=#2ECC71][i]”Come on, come on”[/i][/color] she said under her breath, hoping her fate would be swift and merciful. The next card was, The Hanged Man…in reverse. [color=#2ECC71]“Damn it! Delays? What other delays could I possibly have besides my dumbass alarm”[/color] Umbra closed her eyes and placed all her luck into the third and final card. She flipped it over almost triumphantly before opening her eyes and grimacing. It was The Sun in the upright position, meaning positivity and fun. If it weren’t for her Xanthophobia this would have been her blessing in disguise. [color=#2ECC71]“Right well, I’ll take what I can get”[/color] another glance at her phone made her realize she was running out of time. Almost tumbling down the stairs and rolling her ankle she ran into the kitchen to say good morning and good bye to her sweet grandmother. “I was calling you and calling you child” [color=#2ECC71]“Yeah, I know, today’s just not my day! I got to go Roe-roe I’m late!”[/color] “Do you want me to drive you baby? You don’t have to be embarrassed!” [color=#2ECC71]“I’m not grandma! By the time you get ready it’ll be the New Year. Bye love you!”[/color] The truth was, despite knowing her friends and being part of the misfits since she moved to Cali, Umbra had always been a little embarrassed of her home and how poor she was compared to the rest of BHHS. With a kiss on the cheek of her grandma, Umbra was out the door and, on her bike, cycling as fast as she could with her eyes set on the pier. “That girl is just too much” she said with a giggle, watching her pride and joy rush off into the distance. Time bled away as Umbra did her best to make her way to the pier and the misfits meeting place. Sweat was starting to bead along her forehead and the choice of black was obviously a bad one with the sun absorbing into her clothes and cooking her from the inside out. If Umbra didn’t pass out from dehydration it probably would have been from heat stroke and not the same kind women be having at Sunday service. [color=#2ECC71][i]”Who loves orange soda. Umbra loves orange soda. Is it true? I do I do I dooo ooo”[/i][/color] she said deliriously licking her lips, while imaging what Um had hoped Em had saved for her on this trip. Rounding the corner, she was reinvigorated upon seeing the RV in the not too far off distance. Unfortunately, there was no one around the RV. [color=#2ECC71][i]They’re probably already inside! You have to catch them![/i][/color], putting the pedal to the metal, Umbra took off in mach speed towards the RV. It seemed The Hanged Man had other plans for her. The nuts and bolts keeping her back tire attached to the frame of the bike loosened and jiggled with every bump and pivot. Eventually, they had all come undone and her back tire flew off the rack. A shrill shriek left her mouth while her hands gripped the handle bars. Sparks flew as the grinding of metal and asphalt created a cacophonous sound. By the time her eyes had opened, and her face relaxed from her grimace, her runaway train had stopped. Her hands touched every part of her body making sure she still had every limb and piece of skin attached. A smile came over her face in relief of having survived, but quickly vanished remembering she still had yet to make it. The girl’s cardio was as bad as middle-aged man sitting at home watching the Wendy Williams show, so bad. Yet, that wouldn’t be enough to stop the determined shadow. One knock was heard on the outside of the RV door before she opened the door and fell bustling through the rusting RV. Star fishing onto the floor, swallowing as much oxygen as she could, the final misfit had finally arrived, and her eyes rolled to turn to Em. [color=#2ECC71]“Where’s my orange soda?!”[/color] she said before passing out. [/indent]