[hr][hr][center][color=#E6E6FA][h1]Alyra Vosrin[/h1][/color][/center][hr][hr] Alyra was fighting off the tunnel vision that wanted ever so much to creep onto her. Vaulting from roof-top to roof-top over alleys and through openings in the fences. While running like this it was too easy to focus on just what was in front of you, the next jump, the next point of contact, but when you are running for you life, not paying attention to your surroundings could get you into a very bad position. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her breath was coming out in quick huffs. She had been running since her escape pod touched down outside of the city. Unluckily for her, her crew mates had the shuttle and had managed to make it into the city. They had already spread out and prepared to intercept her, not doubt spreading some story of disloyalty among the crew and fabricating crimes against her. After narrowly escaping two of the crew in a marketplace she'd had to evaluate her plan, it seemed getting off this rock was going to be a bit harder than stealing a star fighter. She stopped at an opening on the rooftop. Looking out she could see the vastness of the planet expanding out around her. She took a deep breath of cold air. Had she been one of the frailer pink folks she might have even thought this was an unpleasant atmosphere but to her it was just a reminder of home. She could look out and see the mountains in the distance with their icy peaks and the wind whipping snow around as it wound through the valleys. She loved the spectacles of nature; each planet was unique in the sounds, smells, and sights but even here on this planet in its frozen wastes it was still beautiful. She looked further up into the sky and she could see the shapes of all the ships in orbit for the festival. Wiping the drying purple blood off the corner of her mouth she spoke out loud [color=#E6E6FA]"Come on Alyra, Think of a plan. You can’t just keep running through the city. You are going to run out of steam soon and they are going to catch you." [/color] She closed her eyes and took another breath and slowly exhaled.[color=#E6E6FA] "Alright you have to get to a safe place, and there is no safe place on this planet for you, therefore you have to get off-world, to get off world you need a ship. The space port...." [/color] Opening her eyes, she slowly breathed out again. Somehow she needed to get onto a ship, preferably through official channels. Out of time she pulled her hood up and dropped from the roof into the street below and began to make her way towards the center of the city. She did what she could to conceal herself. Nothing stuck out more than a young girl with blue skin and Purple hair. Especially when her face looked like it got into a fight with a rancor and lost. She smiled behind the scarf the has wrapped around her face. But by the stars she was thankful that her pursuers had the same hindrances as she did: no blasters. Of course, they had them, she could feel her own under her backpack in the small of her back but using it would bring hell down upon you, so they were reduced to using their hands. That put them at the disadvantage, because while she could hold her own in a shootout it was just not her skill set. Still she was in over her head here, she wasn't sure how she would get on board a ship, or even if she could join a crew that wouldn't turn her over to Tegran and his crew. Risking it wasn't a great option but then again, she was out of choices. Gritting her teeth Alyra turned down an alley and began to make her way to the docks. She would check the board for job postings and just risk being out in the open. Walking now she could feel the limp as the adrenaline wore off her knee was beginning to have a hard time holding her up and she knew her left eye was swelling shut, but on the bright side she couldn't taste blood in her mouth anymore. Just as she moved out of the alley into the main road with a boisterous bunch moving through she heard someone call out[color=ed1c24] "Over there! She's over there!" [/color][color=#E6E6FA]"Fuck"[/color] she let out under her breath and leapt up to a window-seal and then again to the roof and began to run. That run didn't last long as she came to another cross road and jumped into the street, without losing momentum she rolled and kept moving. Feeling the adrenaline pulsing through her body again the pain was almost gone. Vaulting down another alley now trying to stay aware of her pursuers as she heard one call out [color=ed1c24]"Cut her off ahead!" [/color]. This is why she liked being up high, she could see where the streets went. That was the last thought that went through her head before she rounded a corner and suddenly saw a large device blocking her path, right in the middle of the road. Instinct took over as she jumped, back turning she cleared six feet as she could now see that this appeared to some sort Baradium Fission Device. She hit the ground with a thud and quickly scrambled up as she saw two Gand on either side of the device and an Ubese walking closely to the deice itself. Before she could even come up with an escape plan a figure rounded the corner and ran right into the device knocking it off its repulsor lift and it clattered to the ground with a sickening crunch and began to hiss as coolant leaked out of one its various hoses. Then just after another figure emerged from around the corner this one jumping over the device and grabbing Alyra by the hair. He pulled her close as the words dripped from his mouth like venom,[color=ed1c24]"I've got you now, bitch".[/color] Alyra recognized this voice even if the mask hid his face. Gareth: the Filthy pig. Alyra struggled against the hold he had on her as she looked around. A third member of the chase came running down the alley towards them and the first one to stumble into the device who she recognized as Ahln was standing up. She was really not liking these odds and trying to think of any move that would free her when her hand began itching behind her back to her blaster when suddenly the Ubese jumped on Ahln with a startling ferocity, but no matter it was just enough of a distraction. She grabbed Gareths hand and twisted it back to release her hair then pulled him back towards the wall of the alley. It only took a moment for her to push off the wall with her foot, wrap her arm around his neck, and drop with a sickening crack as his body went limp and she dropped it to the ground. Alyra looked down the alley and raised her fists as the other figure came sprinting out of the darkness. This time she was ready and a few blows later her attacker was unconscious on the ground however, she was sure her nose was broken this time. as she tasted the blood in her mouth again she turned to look for the third and there she saw the Ubese with rock over their head bringing it down repeatedly on what remained of Ahln's head. After a moment he dropped the rock and stood up looking over at her and the hissing device. Suddenly a thought occurred to her. She wracked her brain for any knowledge she had tucked away and managed to say in Ubese [color=#E6E6FA] "Hello, I can fix this of you have somewhere safe?" [/color] She was exhausted and this might be her only chance she looked down at the device and back up at this Ubese against expectantly, hoping with every fiber of her being that this would work. It had too she was out of other options. She couldn't keep running eventually her luck would run out.