[center][h1]Black Jack's Roost[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XS7fhsw.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][h3]Nylah Aldaos[/h3][/center] [center][@The Muse][/center] "Coming up, miss." The barkeep replied as he reached down for a pint to fill. If one happened to look closely, a glimpse of some sort of tail could be seen as he moved before he straightened himself up pour in the ale. Then he slid it over to her and leaned forward, resting his head into his hands with elbows on the bar. "Now, what are you wanting lassie? Guys like me are not given those kind of eyes for the heck of it." The observed pirates were either swimming in their tankards, observed in the paid wenches, or surrounding a game going on. One at the table did look her way that might look oddly familiar (roll a d20 for a perception check) though now he and a good many others are involved in a brawl. So they're most likely not going to be available sources of information at this time. So talking to the barkeep would seem to be the most worthwhile choice at the moment unless Nylah would love to join a barfight [if you get above a 10 in the roll, then you'd recognize Dalious and be able to act on that knowledge. If you roll a nat 20, you notice two suspicious people beyond him, a likely human male and a likely elvish female.] [center][h3][color=SteelBlue]Dalious[/color][/h3][/center] [center][@Sol Grim][/center] The punch pushed Dalious back though his jaw was intact for now. Though the three other fists being aimed towards him might be of concern. The first puncher got attacked by one of the guy's watching the game saying, "Oi! You didn't think that dwarf was cheating before. What makes this guy different?" "Who're you calling a cheater, Darrell?" The dwarf yelled out as he tackled the guy. The two rolled around on the ground while others started to join in with the chaos. A sideline pirate though, a pipe in his mouth, had a squinty look in his eyes before sighing. "Yep, that sure looks like him." [center][h3][color=OrangeRed]Cicero Bladewalker[/color] & [color=teal]Gwyneria[/color][/h3][/center] [center][@Spiffy][/center] Gwyneria rolled her eyes at the scene. Did the pirate really have to get into a fight [b]now[/b]? And why hadn't Cicero fought of talking about secret identities before coming here? Of course, she should have thought of that before as well, but it was far too late for that. [color=teal]"Are you sure you want to talk about this now?"[/color] She replied, though the fighting did throw out a lot of white noise so maybe they could get away with this. [color=teal]"Always heard that it's better to stick as close to the truth as possible when coming up with a cover story."[/color] She whispered back. [color=teal]"Though we also need a story that doesn't make us a target. We could just go with the story that we're adventurers out to seek our fortunes though we don't know how yet. Pretty simple. We could go with a story where you're my deaf and mute bodyguard while I'm a forest elf enchantress or something recently hired by your crew that doesn't speak common so requiring one of us to write everything down if they talk with us or Dalious has to act as translator. We could be random travelers that only met today or members of some sort of pirate crew. Or something you come up. If Dalious is with us long though, we'll have to let him and Graves know the story."[/color] [color=teal]"As for names,"[/color] she mused on that. It'd have to be something that they'd recognize as themselves without being super obvious to a bounty hunter. [color=teal]"Maybe Freda and Cyrano? Names are not a forte of mine, sorry."[/color]