[hr] [centre] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PkwvgoT.png[/img] [/centre] [centre][h2] Hector of Troy [/h2][/centre] [centre][h3] Studio Appartement, Core District [/h3][/centre] [centre] [@ManyThings] [/centre] [hr] [b][i]Hmmm? What was that now? Its calling upon me of all people? Ah that's just my luck eh.[/i][/b] He had thought perhaps war and conflict would have left him alone after all that he had done in life. Well he didn't really think that, that was more of this old man's hopeful wishes. [b][i]Ah jeez[/i][/b]. Well if someone was calling on him it couldn't be helped then. As long as [i]he[/i] wasn't there everything should be fine anyway. And so his body once more began to take form, back to the world of humans where he had fought so valiantly for his people, for his father, for his brother. Once more to battle, this time for his master. [i][b]Hang on... Maybe I should fight for myself once in a while...[/b][/i] That notion came to mind as he found himself looking at a strange room of fog. Well, a room of fog until it was all blasted away, probably from the completion of the summoning. Now the full body of the Servant Hector stood clearly in the middle of the summoning circle, well next to the block of wood at least. He noticed the man outside of the circle and gave him a slight nod of the head as he knelt down, picking it up before knocking on it with its other hand. [b]"Knock on wood, eh?"[/b] he said to the as of now unknown man with a slightly stupid grin on his face. Well the man wasn't entirely unknown... [b]"I assume you are the one who summoned this old man then son?"[/b] he asked this rhetorical question as he eyed him up. The man who summoned him looked fairly well built, strange choice of clothing but hey maybe his master was thinking the same thing about him. Casually dropping the piece of wood that had acted as his catalyst back down onto the floor he rather oddly shuffled his way out of the summoning circle. [b]"So... What's the plan son?[/b] [hr] [centre][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/c0/8c/8fc08c25ce7c086c5d1f58edd87bd5eb.png [/img][/centre] [centre][h2] Lucienne [/h2][/centre] [centre][h3] Discreet Workshop, Residential District [/h3][/centre] [centre][@1Charak2][/centre] [hr] Letting out a long sigh Lucienne slipped on her jacked. It may have been a more peaceful day than she was used to but it was just as busy and stressful as any other. Well, perhaps even more since she was preparing to set foot in the Grail War. [i]Why on earth didn't I come to Paris sooner for this. Idiot.[/i] She scolded herself as she made her way over to the wall. Bringing a notebook that had been resting on a nearby desk with her. She had written down the numbers to people who were connected to her family and could be trusted to help her out during the war. But even so it was a pain to use the telephone. It felt like hours until she was able to reach someone the first time she tried to use one and she still struggles with the stupid brick to this day. Grinding her teeth she rather aggressively punches in the numbers. [b]"Ohoho, is that Monsieur Bogdanoff?"[/b] The man on the other side of the phone would have surely been quite surprised to see the sudden change of mood in this caller. [b]"Ah yes... Well... I was just wondering if you could keep tabs on this little 'hideout' that you so kindly arranged for me during my stay here."[/b] The man responds with his usual booming laugh and a "I will see what I can do madame." [b]"Aha merci, merci beaucoup for everything Monsieur, have a wonderful day!"[/b] [i][b]He must think I am paranoid or something. Oh well..[/b][/i] She thought as she left the room and began to climb a set of stairs up to the second floor. [b][i]"Caster!!! How is everything going on up there! Are you ready to head out! Paris is a beautiful place we should use some of our time to experience it a bit![/i][/b] She yelled up at the servant that she had summoned. Honestly she was expecting a handsome knight in shining armor but she was not displeased with who it was that had answered her call. A beautiful young woman. N-now Lucienne was a beautiful young woman in her own right and had no reason to be jealous at all... Thoughts like these trailed through her slightly self conscious mind as she awaited for her servants response.