[center]Wynter Lobos[/center] West End of Montmartre: Family-rented house. [hr] Wynter was stunned for a moment, but as Archer continued talking, she couldn't help but smile. Maybe things would work out after all? She felt a surge of confidence with Archer by her side. [color=00aeef]"You're right, I'm sorry. As your [i]partner[/i], I should at least give something myself. Hmm..."[/color] She paused in thought. [color=00aeef]"This house has supplies and a basic bounded field to detect intruders, but that's all. My father planned to improve it as the war went on, but... he's gone now, and I need to be able to handle things without him if we're going to survive. Finding a better place might be a good idea, but if we can't this is at least the bare minimum we'll need."[/color] [color=00aeef]"As for gandr... I can shoot fairly accurately, but I don't think I could hit a moving target in a critical spot if it came down to it, so if you have a way to practice for that, it could be useful. Alternatively, if I have a couple seconds, I could make gandr rain from a surface such as a wall, but then there's not accuracy; it's just 'spray and pray', so to speak."[/color] [color=00aeef]"As for the catalyst, it's a decent gun for its time, made famous by the deadliest shooter in the Wild West. Maybe not the best shooter, but the one with the highest death count. But you're right about needing to find out more about the city. I did precursory scouting earlier but it would be better for you to see it with your own eyes, right?"[/color] [@Danchou] [hr] [center]Six Coins Rider[/center] France-Paris. Eiffel Tower [hr] [color=fff200]"I'm quite impressed by the modern world, yes. But don't you think replacing a landmark as large as this with something as out of place as my Noble Phantasm would be asking other Servants to come find us? Not to mention the chaos it would cause. I doubt I could fit it at the bottom without destroying at least one corner of it, but if that is your command I will follow it, my lord. I wouldn't mind trying out a modern 'vehicle', the plane that brought us here was fascinating, but I feel it would be dishonorable to have to steal one. If we could simple purchase something the size of a horse, I believe that would be best. Perhaps one of these 'motorcycles' would work well?"[/color] Rider didn't truly care one way or another for how his Master treated him yet, the real test would be after the initial stress of just having arrived. He would serve faithfully unless an unforgivable offense was committed. Not interacting with other Servants suited him just fine. Scouting is an important step that must happen before combat, after all. [@Indra]