Sorry I took so long, some stuff came up, but here's my CS: [hider=Freya "Cait Sith" Leander][b][color=khaki]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Regular][IMG][/IMG][/hider] [hider=Costume][IMG][/IMG] (The gloves are fingerless for her claws.)[/hider] [b][color=khaki]Name:[/color][/b] Freya Leander [b][color=khaki]Age:[/color][/b] 16 [b][color=khaki]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=khaki]Hero Name:[/color][/b] Cait Sith [b][color=khaki]Quirk Name:[/color][/b] Feline [b][color=khaki]Quirk Type:[/color][/b] Mutant [b][color=khaki]Quirk Description:[/color][/b] Freya has the physical attributes of a cat, which manifest in a variety of ways. Firstly, this Quirk grants her enhanced agility and flexibility, making her a nimble fighter. While falling, she can twist around in midair and land in a way that minimises damage, although falls from great heights will still injure her as they will anyone else. Another application is to extend claws from her fingertips that can be retracted at will. Each claw is an inch long, and if broken off, will grow back over the course of a week. While she has acute night vision, her ability to see colours is diminished. She can't see red or pink, only dull shades of blue, green and yellow. Whereas the average person needs around eight hours of sleep, Freya needs at least ten to feel fully rested. She tends to be lethargic in the mornings, becoming more active at night. For obvious reasons, this can cause issues with her school schedule. [b][color=khaki]Inventory & Possessions:[/color][/b] [list][*] From her casual clothes to her hero costume, Freya wears clothes that are either loose or stretchy, so that they're easy to move in. [*] She almost always has seafood-flavoured snacks of some kind with her. [*] In her wallet is a photo of her and her sister, back when they were younger and got along better.[/list] [b][color=khaki]Sample Post:[/color][/b] No matter how cute a kitten seemed when playing, it only did so to become a hunter later on. [color=sandybrown]"Can't catch me!"[/color] The elder of the two children bounded across the room, turning and sticking her tongue out. Her deep-set, leonine eyes glimmered. [color=sandybrown]"If a lion's the king of the jungle, that makes me the queen, and nobody beats a queen!"[/color] The second child giggled as she raced around after her sister. [color=khaki]"Wanna bet, Fliss?"[/color] The use of the nickname Felicity hated earned a mock growl. [color=khaki]"And lions don't really live in the jungle, silly."[/color] In a remarkably fluid movement for someone her age, Freya leapt at Felicity, who dodged. [color=sandybrown]"Ya see?"[/color] The older sister grinned. [color=sandybrown]"Point still stands, I'm going to be the greatest hero this world's ever seen! Just try catching up with me then!"[/color] Breathless laughter filled the air as the children played. Such carefree merriment, however, couldn't last. The young had to start putting what used to be a game into practice as they grew. And growth wasn't always for the better. [color=sandybrown]"C'mon. Up."[/color] A nudge from a foot roused Freya from her sleep. [color=sandybrown]"I said up."[/color] The housecat girl stirred, her only reply a groan in the back of her throat. One yellow, slit-pupilled eye opened, fixing Felicity with a look of nonchalance before closing again. She yelped and hissed as the nudges became a kick. [color=khaki]"Ugh, alright, alright Fliss I'm up,"[/color] she mumbled, uncurling from the rug to stretch and stand. The satisfied expression plastered all over her sister's face sickened her through and through. Felicity's sneer grew. [color=sandybrown]"Glad to hear it. In case you'd forgotten, I like my sleep too, but the difference is I earn the right to rest. And don't call me Fliss. Just call me Sphinx."[/color] She gestured to the door. [color=sandybrown]"So, still want to be a pro hero like me, or are you wimping out?"[/color] [i]She really doesn't want to know the answer to that,[/i] Freya thought, skulking after the person she'd grown up with but now barely recognised. Yes, she did want to be a pro hero. No, she didn't want to be like this particular one. The obstacle course set up in the yard proved just as gruelling as ever. Felicity's sheer strength and skill propelled her over hurdles and under tunnels with minimal effort. [color=sandybrown]"I knew it,"[/color] she called, barely out of breath. [color=sandybrown]"I knew you couldn't even hope to catch up."[/color] Scrambling over netting, Freya kept that composed facade while every fibre of her seethed. What she lacked in brute force, maybe she could make up for in agility and reflexes. [color=khaki]"You sure about that?"[/color] she said as she crouched atop the structure, mustered all her energy and leapt. No sooner had she landed at Felicity's side than a jab from an elbow knocked her off-course. Gritting her teeth, she rolled from her sprawled position and glared up at the figure towering over her. [color=sandybrown]"Give up already,"[/color] the so-called hero spat. [color=sandybrown]"I don't know why I even bother teaching you a single thing. For that matter, I don't know why I even bother visiting."[/color] With that, she strode away. Once alone, Freya made no effort to suppress her shuddering as she slunk to curl up in a patch of grass. This had never been about training. It had been about putting her in her place, just as always. It was only later, on her own terms, that she headed back to the training ground. There was nobody nearby to smirk or mock, and some day, that last laugh would be hers. As long as she didn't lose in a different way, that was. As long as Cait Sith didn't let heroism do to her what it had done to Sphinx. As Freya reclined afterwards for a well-earned nap, her mind drifted to playtimes of the past. If only reality could be more like childhood dreams.[/hider]