[color=fff200][center][h1]Jenny[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] Jenny had been sitting on the ground around the corner, her eyes shut, when she heard the cane hit the ground nearby. She opened her eyes as the man with the accent spoke, and when she heard what he said, she scrabbled upright in a flash. "Depends what you consider fun," Jenny said, leaning out from behind a shack wall to grin at the British man and the blue-haired girl he had approached. The blue-haired girl was a familiar face; they'd never met, but she seemed tough and hard-done-by, two things Jenny could always respect in a girl. She stepped out fully, hands behind her back and a broad grin on her face, and closed the distance between herself and the pair in two quick strides. "Hi, I'm Jenny, I can't die. I'm guessing you're not from around here." She put on a mock british accent. "'Ow do you know he's a king? E's not covered in shit!" That much was true; this guy was a good deal cleaner and less worn-out looking than every other person in the compound. Either he was a new arrival, in which case, [i]poor fucker,[/i] or he was someone very, very interesting to know. "Because, if you're talking about Monopoly... actually, I would be interested in that, I'm super bored." She tilted her head. "Buuuut, if you were talking about something more interesting, then maybe you'd be interested in talking to the girl who's memorized the guard rotations." Jenny shrugged. It had occured to her, of course, that this might be a setup, that this guy was a plant attempting to suss out rebellious attitude by encouraging false hope, but the thought wasn't enough to dissuade her. What would they do if they discovered she was plotting to escape? Kill her? All they could do was lock her in increasingly smaller boxes, and that was not enough of a threat to keep her from latching onto any chance she could see.