"That's the spirit, old timer. I guess." Georgia said. It wasn't a big turn around, but he was at leat agreeing to hang around this shady castle. She had a feeling she'd need as many friends as she could get going forward. Speaking of friends, one of these guys was actually talkative. She turned to face the coin flipper and gave a smile. "Oooo, 'milady.' Haven't been greeted like that since the Round Table conference. Of course you can come, the more the merrier. We can split...[url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bgbURB7-Ymc]the[/url]..." She lifted her head unknowingly toward the main gate, a quizzical look plastered across her face. The pen spinning on her finger slowly lost it's momentum and clattered noisily to the floor, but she didn't pay it any mind. "Who is that?" She said to no one, narrowing her eyes. "Who's...is somebody there?" She didn't even pay attention to the Emperor excusing himself as she slowly walked toward trying to pinpoint whoever this was. This was some kind of psychic anomaly, the impression of an impression of a person, like being alone in a room and feeling someone's shadow on your back. That was nonsense though, she wasn't trained to pick up this sort of thing. Whatever this was couldn't be this faint if she was feeling it, it would have to be incredibly powerf- Then the connection became concrete and the suddenness of it sent her to her knees. Memories flooded in, people she had never me, places she had never been, wars she hadn't fought. It [i]had[/i] been a shadow, the shadow of whatever it was that was casting this pressure. Thunderclouds, a psychic hurricane throwing out wave after wave of feelings, memories, impressions. "Gyaaaaa, stop, who are you?" She cried out as the waves kept pounding against her brain. She'd heard stories from abduction survivors, how they'd been assaulted like this until it a scrambled their brains and left them with holes in their memories forever. Then, as though in respond to that memory, she felt the pressure pull back leaving behind an impression of confusion. Like it hadn't expected that reaction, like nothing like that had ever happened to him before. "Yeah, well, I don't think we're working on 100% the same wetware here." She said crossly, shaking her head and staggering back to her feet with the help of Snopes who had so kindly slid his head under her arm and was now growling in agitation at the thought of his master being hurt. She noticed the guard had rushed in to inform them of that giant wave of heartless that had appeared at the palace gate. She didn't notice that her nose was now gushing blood until she felt it on her lips. "It's like you're a quantum computer, and I'm a CB radio. You can't expect that to be wholly comparable, Amuro." She paused for a moment, before clutching her head. Cripes, she had a headache. "Good, you left your name in there. What else?" She searched her thoughts, and her eyes widened. "Evacuate the castle!" She shouted at the guard. He stood there, confused, before she walked up and grabbed him by the armor. "That thing has a gun that can punch through whole battleships, you think a bunch of stone is gonna be able to stop it?" The man looked at her like she'd gone crazy, then looked over her shoulder at the Empress. Georgia growled, "Sheep," before pushing her way past the man and sprinting down the hall. "It's a machine! It's a giant war machine!" She called back behind her. The comforting clicker-clack of claws of stone followed her, but she wasn't sure how much good his claws would do against that white devil she'd seen in her mind. Truth be told she didn't know what she could do against that thing, besides treat it like an ornery t-rex and tie it down till it stopped struggling. She just knew that this was the first modern city she'd seen in ten years and there was no way she was letting it burn before she got to enjoy at least a little of it.