[center][color=ffff00][h3]Haruishi Mari [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/51eb3987-b4b5-4dbe-9ebe-103119ed3b36/d2b0q8j-5759a70c-b991-4dac-8321-414f771bd477.jpg[/img] Quirk: Born to Run (Thunder Road)[/h3][/color][/center][hr] Interacting with: [@AdmrlStalfos19] [@Light Lord] [@Naw] [color=ffff00]"Well, from a quick headcount, there's twenty-one students, so there's no threat of anyone getting left out, or any uneven teams, for that matter,"[/color] Mari replied to Kai matter-of-factly. [color=ffff00]"Haruishi Mari,"[/color] she introduced herself, [color=ffff00]"And this is Suguro...-san?"[/color] Mari turned to hear Umi declare her preference to staying with Hiroki and watched in bewilderment as the the smaller girl ran away. Since Umi had followed readily enough, Mari had to assume that she was not the cause of Umi's sudden departure, which only left Kai as the culprit. But Mari decided not to assume any bad history between the two, choosing instead to blame it on shyness, which Umi had demonstrated an abundance of. [i]So much for hand-holding the timid girl,[/i] Mari thought to herself, but since Hiroki was the one to get her to do a collaborative demonstration with him, perhaps she was in better hands with the brash, blue boy. Turning back to Kai, Mari explained, [color=ffff00]"Suguro-san is...very shy, but that leaves our team unfilled."[/color] She looked around the field, but if her count was correct, then even if everyone else had already formed teams, there would be someone left to join hers. As it turns out, Yasu walked towards Mari and Kai, and asked to join. Mari's initial assessment of Yasu was that she was unmotivated and irreverent; not taking her education seriously, which was something Mari couldn't forgive since she saw education as a blessing that many people unfortunately took for granted. Yet here she was, taking the initiative and making the effort to put herself out there and join a team. Perhaps Yasu's irreverence was just her way of acting 'chill', or maybe it was a weak attempt at humor. Mari disregarded all that and decided to give yasu the benefit of the doubt and to just judge Yasu based on her current effort and nothing more. [color=ffff00]"Yes, it seems we are down a person. Glad to have you on board, Hayakawa-san,"[/color] Mari greeted. [color=fff200]"So this exercise is similar to the entrance exam, but I think there's one major difference. Uranishi-sensei stated that there was a [i]family[/i] of dummies. If we're all going into the forest at once, that means there will be twenty-one of us. I can't imagine the family is larger than ten individuals, which means we might not all be performing rescue operations. If anything, it'll be likely many of us will be engaged in fending off whatever dangers the teachers have set up for us."[/color] Mari had learned from the exam that while rescue was the priority, it was an impossible task if one did not neutralize existing threats. [color=ffff00]"This might be good for us, since I don't know if our team is exactly optimal for forest rescue, but I'm getting ahead of myself, Mori-san here was late and missed the quirk demonstrations, so we'll need to tell him about our quirks, and vice versa. I can sprint very fast, up to sixty miles per hour. I create lightning if I go above thirty."[/color] Mari then waited for Yasu and Kai to explain their quirks. [hider=tl;dr]Mari accepts Yasu to fill in for Umi. Says they should probably not focus on rescue assuming that was not their team's forte. Asks for everyone to explain their quirks to confirm.[/hider]