The plan had went of without a hitch, much to the fox-eared girl's relief. Shades usually weren't too... y'know, bright, so they were weak against the almighty power of thinking, but it still meant letting Himeko's partner get up close with several enemies. Thankfully, she was more than capable of handling herself, and deftly eliminated them all with one, magnificent strike. Himeko couldn't help but clap when the Shades were finally gone. It was too bad Kagami couldn't just let them relish the victory a little more. At least she had chosen to part ways after declaring her victory. Himeko let out a long groan, once she was sure Kagami wasn't still lingering around. You really got all types of magical girls, evidently. The fox had to wonder if the local deity had cursed her with the worst kind of opponent - one with infinite arrogance and way more than enough power to justify that. There was still the matter of figuring out how to survive their next encounter, but for now, she should just enjoy the win with her pink new friend. The two-tailed magical girl stepped towards her with a bright smile. "Now that it's just the two of us, let us introduce ourselves properly! I am a divine messenger of the gods, a fluffy maiden filled with love and hope~" She gave a cheerful twirl, poised on one foot before pointing the pipe towards Nico with a bright smile, making a V-sign with her free hand and directing them towards her right eye, "My name is classified, but you can give me the cutest name a fox can have~" She was already pushing Kagami out of her mind. Strong as that girl was, Himeko chose to believe someone like her could be toppled with numbers against her, so she could save that concern for later. [@VitaVitaAR][@Ammokkx]