>Superpowers, rookie heroes, think 'Kickass' crossed with 'Young Justice'/'Teen Titans' >Maybe an age group of '17-23', late high school to college-aged individuals >Characters will eventually form a team against a common threat >Central hub could be a college or other large post-secondary institution. >Large city, need to decide whether to use a real location or an expy >'Why has there never been superheroes before?' is a key question that needs to be answered to establish the setting. >Catalyst Event which forces the protagonists into action. >Small group, one GM-driven plot but also allowing for people to do solo or collaborative stories. >Players running their own plots would have the onus on them to post, must be self-motivated >Looking for advanced level writing with casual posting speed >Advanced AI foresees future events and orchestrates a scenario which puts together the team. >Maybe a team sponsor/shifty motives type figure Setting: >'Twenty Minutes' into the future >Law Enforcement relies on a predictive algorithm ala Minority Report for stopping crime. >The algorithm is actually an incredibly advanced AI which predicts an event that local law enforcement won't be able to stop. >In response, it isolates a group of 'gifted' individuals and orchestrates an event to bring them together. >There has never been superheroes before as the world has never needed them. >Any blimps or occurrences in the past were buried or covered up >Anything present has been stopped before it could occur by the AI. [CENTER][COLOR=SILVER][h3][sub][sub][sub][i]Lord Wraith Presents...[/i][/sub][/sub][/sub][/h3][/COLOR][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][h2][b]I N T E N T I O N M I N E[/b][/h2][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][hr][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][SUP][B]A N E O - N O I R S U P E R H U M A N T H R I L L E R[/B][/SUP][/COLOR][/CENTER] [INDENT][sub][sup][h3][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][b]P R E M I S E:[/b][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]