Hey there! I'm looking for some good old fashioned romance.. but who isnt, right? I typically RP female, since I am a female, I'm pretty better at it but that doesn't mean I won't play the male at all. PM's are preferable since I do like 18+ type deals. I can range from free writing to casual to advanced. Details are important but then again, so isn't the normal conversation. Main Idea: 1) They were two young lovers who nobody believed should be together. He was the bad boy who never followed the rules. She was the princess of the town, always doing the right thing. All throughout high school, they were inseparable. It wasn't until their senior year that they really got in trouble. She had became pregnant. With a small newborn at home and responsibilities, he decides this isnt for him and leaves town to pursue his dreams in the big city. What happens when years later, he realizes he was wrong and wants to be the man and father he was supposed to be? I'm also into different pairings. wizard/muggle witch/muggle king/maid queen/stable boy pirate/pirate pirate/bar wench prince/princess mafia boss/daughter of rival gang mafia princess/ son of rival gang vampire/mortal vampire/vampire boss/employee waitress/regular bartender/regular roommate/roommate arranged marriages I'm also always up for anything else you may be wanting to try! If you're interested, shoot me a PM!