[centre][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/hvqeqf.jpg[/IMG][hr] Interactions | [@Zelosse] [@EnterTheHero][/centre] Kenji had drifted off after his discussion with Kiko. While he had gotten enough sleep the night before the utter exhaustion of the mountain climb compounded with the crash after Kaito's boost had been more than enough to put him out for a bit. The helicopter entrance, however, shocked him back to the world of the living. It took him a bit to register what the teacher who identified himself as Uranashi-sensei had to say in his dizzy half-awake state. When it hit him that they were already going to do a rescue operation a swirling mix of anxiety and excitement hit him as his mind was filled with images of All Might pulling people out of wrecked buildings. There was one problem though, he needed to be in a team of three. While he liked the idea of working with a team of people, he didn't think it was realistic for him to get lucky twice in one day and have someone include him. Kenji looked around and saw people were already getting together groups. He decided to stand up and try his best to find someone who needed a third. As he pushed himself onto his feet he felt something soft stumble off of his chest, a teddy bear? He looked down at the lost toy in the grass and wondered where it had come from. Maybe someone had dropped it by mistake when they were walking by him, was it Kiko's? He didn't remember her having a teddy bear on her. Either way someone would miss it, and it would be mean to leave it behind in the field without trying to find it's owner. He picked it up and held it loosely in one arm before he was approached by the same boy from the demonstration. His eyes lit up with happiness when he realized that Kaito wanted to pair up with him again and he had even brought someone with him. Kenji recognized the second boy from his demonstration, another amazing quirk. How were these people giving him the time of day? Kenji immediately nodded his head as quick as lightning at the offer, his antennae pointed to the sky. [color=00a99d]"Yes!"[/color] he exclaimed, before calming himself down. [color=00a99d]"I mean, of course. But I don't think I've been introduced to your friend yet. I'm Ito Kenji."[/color] he said, offering his free hand to Suzaku.