[hr] [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/PkwvgoT.png[/img][/centre] [centre][h2]Hector[/h2][/centre] [centre][h3]Studio Apartment, Core District[/h3][/centre] [centre][@ManyThings][/centre] [hr] [i][b]It really couldn't be helped huh?[/b][/i] Hector lamented at the fate of Troy. Of his family and even a little for his own fate. [i] [b]Well I had already pushed my luck to its brink by that point but...[/b][/i] [i][b]If only I had found his weak point just a little bit earlier...[/b][/i] His master was not entirely incorrect though. The grail had in fact provided him with quite a bit of information, otherwise he likely would struggle very much so to function in this modern age. But perhaps he simply could not come to terms with his failure, maybe he had not known because he refused to know. [i][b]Ahhhh weeel... thoughts like this are little more than old regrets. Master has no use for a moping old man eh?[/b][/i] [b]"That is quite kind of you master but I can assure you there is no need. I am a hero after all. And about Troys fate well-" [/b] [b]"Who knows? Perhaps we can have another talk about that when we have the grail in front of us."[/b] A gentle but confident grin was displayed proudly on the Prince of Troys face. [b]"That tower over there huh? A pretty thing that one is."[/b] Hector nodded in the direction where his master had pointed out. [b]"Well when it comes to making our move master. Just give the orders and I will head out there and see what these other servants are made of!"[/b] As he spoke rather brazenly for once a rather odd weapon materialised in the hands of Hector. Well it wasn't too odd there was just sonething off about it. More than a spear it was more like... An elongated sword... Well that was until the shaft of the spear slowly dissapeared until Hector was now holding a sword regularly. [b]"Not bad eh? Maybe if its like this, this old man could pass himself off as another class eh?"[/b] He suggested this strategy to his master with a playful smirk. No doubt it could provide some advantage for the time being but getting his masters permission before taking action of his own accord may also be what is best for now.