Kyra notched her arrow as she was going to launch an arrow into one of the caged beasts when Parum warned them against it. Caged beasts would make for easy prey, Kyra didn't see a reason why they should leave them alive. Brannor lowered her bow so Kyra did too, but she didn't take her eyes off the beasts. There was no way these creatures could be tamed; they weren't like dogs or horses who were simply trained to be like this. They were monsters born vicious and vile. She felt a pang of rage build up before she let it die down. [color=pink]"This better be good, Parum. I don't like the idea of being flanked on two sides by kobolds and monsters."[/color] Kyra maintained her concentration for the shield of faith, and she knew she had a little under ten minutes before it'll be used up. Kyra recovered her arrows and looked towards the western entrance. If those kobolds heard any noise they'll be coming through that entrance anytime now so she found a defensible position and readied her arrow to attack the first thing that comes through.