[center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/38/c9/7d/38c97dbb93d50647ec8c3c27ce81327e--female-character-inspiration-georgie-henley.jpg[/img] [/center] [hider=OoC] [b][color=9e005d]How long do you usually write?[/color][/b] For Star Wars? As long as I damn well feel like (which is usually a lot). In fact, I have to purposely condense things so it's not a wall of overexcited text. If you require writing samples, I can provide plenty from my days on a certain other SW hub. ^_- [b] [color=9e005d]Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/color][/b] Yes. [b] [color=9e005d]Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/color][/b] Grammar yes, depth of writing is something I wish to work on improving. [b] [color=9e005d]Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?[/color] [/b] I like to write about how my character interacts with the world around them, particularly technology. If he/she interacts with people, then I like to write about that too, although it's tougher since I'm so emo and awkward in real life. [b] [color=9e005d]Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague?[/color] [/b] Torture by Sith Lords. Oh wait, this is the OOC hider? Well then, I guess I'd like to avoid making a Mary Sue or a completely faulty character with not enough upsides to make he/she desirable. [b] [color=9e005d]Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?[/color] [/b] No disintegrations. Not if but WHEN she dies, I'd like it to be relatively personal if possible, not just getting shot out of the sky like so much starfighter chaff. [b] [color=9e005d]Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/color][/b] A short term goal is to have her complete three contracts, although maybe one contract might send her running for smuggling (are they really that different? One's a contract for materiel, the other is for people. I see no problem with her transitioning to smuggling - or just being somebody else's starship technician - if the going gets too tough for her. As far as long-term goals go, I'd like to see T'a get hired on somewhere - preferably with the Republic since her homeworld is in their space - as a mechanic. If she remains purely independent and freelance, I'd like to see her transition from bounty hunter to smuggler, or at least get on a crew where she doesn't have to be the one doing any killing. Depends on if she can stomach killing or not. [b][color=9e005d]Character Theme:[/color][/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUDjU4ygVew [/hider] [hider=Peacekeepers Holonet Ad] [b] [color=9e005d]Name:[/color] [/b] T'a Tarinai [b][color=9e005d]Nickname(s):[/color][/b] Tia (even though her name is pronounced "T (pause) ah") [b] [color=9e005d]Species:[/color] [/b] Zelosian [b] [color=9e005d]Homeworld:[/color] [/b] Zelos II [b] [color=9e005d]Age:[/color] [/b] 19 [b] [color=9e005d]Gender: [/color][/b] Female [b] [color=9e005d]Specialization:[/color] [/b] Starship technician (glorified mechanic) & rookie bounty hunter [b] [color=9e005d]Current area of operation:[/color][/b] Mid Rim [/hider] [hider=Peacekeepers Holonet Metadata Summary] [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Detailed appearance:[/color][/sub][/h3] - To a human eye, T'a Tarinai resembles a human, if not for the unsettling light green eyes and skin tone shaded just the tiniest bit green, although she's so pale that her green veins tend to wash out in bright light. Standing at 1.68 meters, she started out at a thinner than average Zelosian build, due to her grandmother's poverty, then either plumps up and/or muscles up considerably when out on her own, once she acquires her own ship. She sports long auburn hair which she usually keeps long, and over top of which she can be seen wearing a simple vacsuit helmet. Sometimes her hair seems to float toward sources of natural light like it has a mind of its own (nastic reaction according to Zelosian lore). Her eyes are lighter green than most Zelosians, at least starting out. Perhaps this has to do with her living on a starship a lot of the time, resulting in less photosynthetic intake. Her helmet is typically accompanied by grungy grey coveralls that could be shiny if she ever washed them. Her flight suit is an orange ratty thing that she found in her grandmother's basement. The old garment is complete with several patched-up holes that make it surprising the ensemble is still, if barely, airtight. All of her current clothing is tight-fitting and uncomfortable to her. When alone, she prefers very abbreviated fashions, sometimes preferring full nudity given her inability to mate with other species. She respects, if grudgingly, the needs of other sentients regarding modesty in public, but this just adds fuel to her fire to get back aboard a ship and return to the comfort of space as quickly as possible. T'a currently feels most at home tucked away in a corner of a ship, hopefully hers, with her head buried in an electrical panel of some description. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill.[/color][/sub][/h3] - For someone who is a literal sentient plant, T'a sure prefers hanging around machines instead of organic life. She has an almost unhealthy fascination with anything mechanical, able to take it apart and put it back together again with an uncanny knack for making it function more smoothly than it used to work. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.[/color][/sub][/h3] - T'a has rarely any weapons experience due to her grandmother forbidding T'a and her brother from fighting during miners' raids. T'a tried to barter with a passing peddler for a BlasTech DL-18, but got scammed out of a hundred credits with no possibility of a return as something inside malfunctioned/melted after three test shots. The gun awaits Tia's repair skill in order to be used as her primary weapon other than her fists, which are usually ineffective but may improve with age since she's always been dexterous with her hands. She also possesses a small [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Stun_baton/Legends]stun baton [/url] scrounged from the corpse of an Imperial sympathizing miner, although the item is currently out of charge and awaiting her purchase of a new energy pack, a simpler fix than the DL-18 blaster pistol. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts.[/color] [/sub][/h3] - Looking for her first mission as a bounty hunter after posting a perhaps overeager Holonet classified ad. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.[/color][/sub][/h3] - Miners from her home planet who she later comes to realize are affiliated with the Empire, or at least are Empire sympathizers. - She's not off to a good start with the Empire once she discovers that the miners who attacked her childhood village were supposedly Imperial sympathizers. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]List and description of other known associates, including subordinates.[/color][/sub][/h3] - None. She works alone for now, unless someone or an organization or unknown benefactor can provide her with a ship (at least for her first job, doesn't have to be permanent). [h3][sub][color=9e005d]List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.[/color][/sub][/h3] - She sleeps with, eats with, plays with, and works with her brown leather toolbag. This bag is chock full of assorted cheap tools (such as hydrospanners, alluvial dampers, plasma cutters, etc.). - Aside from the tool bag that T'a lives and dies by, she retains one primary set of clothes, a gray flightsuit, that is perforated with holes to allow sunlight. She feels very constrained while wearing this, but can put up with it so that other species - namely humans - are more at ease with her. Her helmet is simply a standard dark gray flightsuit helmet that interlocks with the suit for whenever she requires protection from vacuum. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Psychological evaluation of Bounty Hunter.[/color][/sub][/h3] [url=https://www.16personalities.com/istj-personality]ISTJ-T[/url] As far as enjoying the company of others, she likes it when other people are seen but not heard. The quieter the better for T'a to focus on her near constant mechanical work, whether it be repairing early on or creating later. She despises the every day short-term and long-term deceit of organic sentient beings, which can be traced back to her family history. As a result, she is quite distrustful of virtually anyone living, preferring instead to occupy her time and attention on things of a mechanical nature that take orders with little to no sass or flak. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Flaws[/color][/sub][/h3] - T'a has major trust issues due to the violence in her history. She hates being lied to, to the point of paranoia, and thus prefers machines to people. - Despite being mechanically gifted, years of living in artificial gravity will gradually lessen Tia's tolerance for high gravity worlds (and even medium ones after long stints in space). When not in space, she'll suffer from increasing loss of stamina and a higher chance of suffering bone fractures and other related injuries (chance increases with age as well as time spent in space and artificial gravity). - T'a has a very short fuse. Her tempestuous wrath at the slightest of setbacks (not so much with insults), if not already legendary, is soon to be discovered. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Interests:[/color][/sub][/h3] - Starship maintenance and upgrades - Weapons development (self-teaching experience as she starts by repairing her blaster) - Mechanical tinkering in general - Quantum mechanics and astronavigation (she's always wanted to go study at a university, but never had the credits; hence the bounty hunting) [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Major achievements on record[/color][/sub][/h3] - Somehow about to manage to finagle a way off of her home planet onto a ship of some description. Whether or not she is the one flying is anybody's guess, but most likely not given her severe lack of funds and combat prowess. [h3][sub][color=9e005d]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/color][/sub][/h3] - None to speak of, other than letting a hundred credits slip on a scam that led to her getting screwed out of a working BlasTech DL-18 firearm. [hider=Interview] [h3][sub][/sub][/h3] There's not much to say about Miss Tarinai yet. She's lived an unassuming life in the company of her younger brother, eight standard years younger to be exact, and her grandmother - for her parents were killed in a raid by Imperial sympathizing miners looking for food and luxuries from their nearly depleted mining zone nearby. T'a only received a basic home-schooled education on Zelos II, never paying attention to any subjects other than engineering and mathematics. She dabbled in kitchen chemistry, but she quickly developed a fear of fire. That particular fear has persisted with her to this day, and makes for an even more alarming reaction than most sentients present with when confronted by flame weapons or open combustion. To this day, she still infinitely prefers working on a ship's engines from the inside as opposed to the outside, and if she has to work on the outside of one, that ship had better be shut down tighter than a virgin Twi'lek being transported off Ryloth. She was raised nearby a mining zone portion of the planet that still supported the Imperial tenets. Miners occasionally raided her farming village for food, being situated too far away from any large Republic or Zelosian source of authority for daily policing to do much good. This caused young T'a to develop a dislike for people taking advantage of those weaker than themselves, instilling within her a desire to kill the bastards who so pompously thought their lives were more important than anyone else's; thus, the attempt at becoming a bounty hunter and attempting to obtain her own ship to go hunting pompous bastards wherever they are to be found. To say she has the most naivete of any bounty hunter ever is likely the understatement of the century. During her attempt to flee her village, with her brother, after their grandmother's death of old age, her brother was shot and killed by a miner sentry sniping down on the village from a nearby hill. She barely escaped into foliage, being forced to use his sacrifice or die on the sniper's next shot. She made her way to the capital city on Zelos II, desperately seeking transport off-planet (while thinking that if she ever does get a ship of her own, she'll come right back and blast those bastards and bastards everywhere to Zelosian hell). [/hider] [/hider]