[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=A86079]Yumiko[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3qLfctiWvHN7O/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Yumiko merely waved the silly boy off. She knew better. Typical man. Get told about a clear problem and play it off like its no big deal. [color=A86079]"Until your lot prove me wrong, that's how it is. Haven't met a man since that didn't want something from me."[/color] And the Fire Nation girl backed her up. Again she felt a small kinship with her, despite her heritage. Perhaps she wasn't bad, but it was hard to look past the obvious. Yumiko rolled her eyes once Rila mentioned healing. She had tried before to mixed results. [color=A86079]"Fine, if it will keep you quiet."[/color] She summoned water and quickly waved it over her arm, allowing the coolness to mend the damage. Eventually, her arm stopped hurting and she could move it again. She then moved to Rila's leg and did the same. She did her best, but she was only able to heal it slightly, but at least she would be able to walk. [color=A86079]"There. I'll do other healings later once we are out of sight and far away from this place."[/color]