[hider=The Strong Heart] Name: Dormic Strongheart Race: Human Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/b1iFog2.jpg[/IMG] Dormic is a large rotund man, with the size and strength suitable for a warrior despite his devotion to his faith. Born with a wretched face he often masks his appearance knowing how ghastly he looks. His body is also covered with sores and scars that he must treat everyday to ease his pain, and so whenever possible he would prefer to be fully covered up to spare himself and anyone else the disgust and horror his appearance can grant. His armor was specifically commissioned to accommodate both physical protection and his unusual shape and size. Built for comfort, as long as he isn’t doing anything too strenuous he is perfectly comfortable wearing his armor at all times, to protect himself as well as others. Class: Cleric Abilities: Guardian of Innocents - Clerics may not always commit to crusades but they must still learn to protect their flock from threats. Thanks to this Dormic is proficient with a few simplistic weapons such as staves, clubs, and maces, and used his immesense endurance to learn how to handle heavy shields and heavier armor, so he could better serve as a bulwark against evil. Disciple of Life - While clerics are often known for their healing abilities, Dormic takes it a step further as he has devoted himself to the divine domain of life and healing, allowing for all his magical and mundane healing to be far more effective than most others. Orison - As a cleric has access to magic formally called orisons, but more commonly referred to as spells. While a cleric have many orisons to choose from, the energy it takes to do so is taxing in ways not even one as physical strong as Dormic can repeat continuously. Some spells however are easier to use than others and do not take up much energy, though their effectiveness is proportionally lesser as well. [hider=Magic] Cantrip: Magic Stave - A simple spell that charges staves and clubs with magic energy, allowing them to harm creatures resistant or immune to mundane weapons. It doesn’t increase damage in any particular way, though one’s own magical might can replace the need for physical strength with this spell. Sacred Flame - This Spell summons forth a small burst of divine fire within sixty feet that can burn one of Dormic’s enemies. A handy spell to use against a foe who is behind cover or dons tough but cumbersome armor as it can burn past physical defenses, and thus dodging is the only way to avoid taking damage. It does not do any fire damage, but pure radiant, making it more effective against the undead and demonic. Mending - A spell that can do minor repairs to objects that Dormic is touching. As long as he has all the pieces of together he could effectively use this spell to magically glue them back into their former shape. Can also be used to restore an item to its previous form, handy for dealing with dents and cracks. Though this spell can repair the physical damage on magic objects, it can’t refuel any magic energies itself, nor does this spell work on living creatures. Light - A very common spell that creates a small ball light that can provide illumination up to thirty feet for up to 24 hours. They can come in different colors. Mercy - A special cleric cantrip capable of sealing wounds and preventing the injured from bleeding out. Though this spell isn’t strong enough to heal any damage it can at least provide first aid and ensure someone who is dying does not succumb to their wounds quickly. Orisons: Bless - Reciting a prayer to his god for himself and his allies, Dormic can imbune their weapons with holy magic. Not only does this make their attacks more effective against their common foes, but it is especially powerful against the lies of undead, demons, and those who devote themselves to evil. It will bypass their innate resistances and immunities and prevents those types of enemies from healing their wounds caused by blessed weapons. Healing Word - Compared to the common Cure Touch spell, Healing Word is not quite as effective at healing but in exchange it’s quicker to cast and can be used on anyone within sixty feet of Dormic, allowing him to heal while focus on another task. Goodberry - A spell that Dormic learned from Druids, he can conjure forth ten berries filled with magic energies. Eating one of these berries provides enough nourishment to feed them for the whole day, as well as a minor bit of healing. Thanks to being a Diciple of Life, the healing power of these berries is also increased, allowing the berries made by Dormic to be handy to recover from injury and wounds. [/hider] Equipment: Stone Cross Staff - Dormics primary weapon and symbol of his faith, this stone tipped staff is more akin to a hammer than a simple staff, but still it is a humble weapon originally meant to only guide his flock, and only occasionally slay the wolves. Capable of crushing bone and armor with equal ease. Commandment Shield - A massive stone shield etched with Dormic’s commandments and teachings. Made out of dwarven runestone it is far more sturdy than one might imagine rock to be. Iron Plate Armor - A reward for many years of good service, Dormic protects himself and others within this suit of iron armor, fitted for his unusual size and shape. While intimidating by virtue of its fearsome and unusual appearance it’s pratically casual wear for the cleric. Though he generally only dones the harness and padding of the armor for his day-to-day living, and changes into the full regelia when it is needed. Tends to keep the helmet on though. Healers Kit - A box containing bandages, medicine, salves, and other components to provide various forms of aid to others. Not magical by any means but often suffice to deal with all manners of injuries and infections short of curses. Silver Rosary - A symbol of Dormic’s faith he wears openly around his neck. It depicts the icon of the god of life, healing, and protection. Scripture - An iron clad (and literally iron bound) book of faith related to Dormic’s deity, such as the god’s tale, code of conduct, and many other important information related to his faith. Dormic currently has the IV Jarmmel Edition, which is somewhat unusual as most of his faith use the VII Ayria Edition, but they’re effectively the same sans a few grammar and translations. He has his name etched on the inside of the cover with a polite request to return if lost. Personality: Despite his fearsome size and appearance, Dormic is quite shy and self-conscious about his looks and statue. He tends to linger in the background wishing to appease others through servitude, and tries his best to keep his own desires in check less he fall and become a horrid man again. Among his friends Dormic is often one of the first to volunteer to preform a task even if he’s ill suited to do so, and generally among the first to put themselves in front of the enemy. Among his enemies Dormic shows a perplexing combination of mercy, understanding, but also ruthless brutality. He always offers the enemy a chance to surrender but by no means does he come in peace once he wields his staff and dons his plate. Despite being a bashful person in his social life, when it comes to combat and adventure he is of stalwart heart and almost fanatical devotion. Backstory: Dormic was born with a blessing and a curse. When he emerged from his mother’s womb, the doctor and midwives knew he would grow into a big, strong man. For the humble peasants who were his parents they would have wished for nothing more. But not barely a year after his birth came the curse. For some reason despite growing fat and generally being a hearty young baby, he was plagued with sores that oozed pus and caused him a great amount of pain. His parents tried everything to aid their son, from questionable medicine to expensive magical treatments. For many years they tried to ensure their boy would live, and even through the pain he did much to assist his family on their farm. But by the time he was eight years old, it was simply too much for them. Two bad harvests made it impossible for the family to continue to pay for Dormic’s increasinly painful ailments, with no magic seemingly capable of handling his strange affliction. So they had to give him up. They went to town to sell their harvest, and they left without Dormic. He was only eight years old. With no practical knowledge and no skills to rely on, all Dormic had was his strength. And it wasn’t long before a combination of desperation and loneliness had him join a gang of orphans and violent youths. They picked on Dormic at first until he managed to bloody a few of them despite his lack of fighting skill, and so he participated in their activities. Robbing houses and merchant stalls, getting into fights with other children, even some grave robbing. Dormic didn’t have a taste for any of it but he had to, as they were the only people who were willing and able to accept and he’ll him. But that didn’t mean they liked him. Two years with this gang and Dormic was abandoned once again. They made the mistake of trying to steal golden icons from a small temple; they only saw a few priests tend to it and they were still young, so they entered at night to get away with valuable treasure. But as soon as they grabbed the treasure the doors shut tight; Dormic’s own strength could not move them. The others fled by climbing out of the windows but Dormic wasn’t nearly agile enough to follow them. Five minutes later and the town guard opened the doors to find Dormic trapped and the statues stolen. Despite being only ten years old, Dormic’s extreme growth made him look like an adult. They jailed him as one too; despite his nervous blubbering and attempts to convince them he was only a child they simply thought he was dim witted and sent him to a prison with other harden criminals. It was here that Dormic thought he would meet his end. Here there were men bigger and stronger than him, with more wit and cunning to take advantage of his naivety. He worried what he had to do to survive or if he would even survive at all. But there was one saving grace. A priestess who held a mass once a week. Protected by Paladins she would preach to the prisoners to convince them to confess and repent for their sins. Unlike the guards and prisoners who’s dark scowls and rough features scared Dormic, this priestess has a certain air about her that was both dominating yet comforting. He quickly came to these masses to listen to her preach about her lord and deity, and when possible spoke to the priestess. It was thanks to her that Dormic found a way out from this prison and found the light. Instead of twenty years in prison Dormic was sent to work for the church. His great frame made him useful, but what allowed him to improve was his willingness to help others and learn. Many within the church did not fear him for his size and appearance and instead nurtured him. Even when his wounds wound act up they taught Dormic how to grow and make his own medicine so he could finally start to heal himself. For many years he devoted himself to the church and was even allowed to learn Magic’s and combat for their priests and Paladins, having shown his dedication to his god. Many years would pass as Dormic makes a name for himself. He would use his strength often andfor righteous causes this time; sent out on missionary trips to assist the poor and downtrodden. Either by making wooden and stone homes, teaching the children, he defeating bandits. During these times he made a name for himself: Dormic the Strong Heart. Soon he would receive a request to accompany some missionaries to a bustling town called Ironridge. He would protect them to the town and assist however possible, eventually joining with a group of adventures to help protect the town and let it prosper. Other: Dormic is technically still carrying out his twenty year sentence for robbing the temple of its golden icons, which is also why he must remain in contact with his church to ensure that he did not flee from his crimes. He answers to the Mother Superior of his church, following her commands and assisting her however she desires. Fortunately she’s quite understanding of the adventures need for Dormic and allows him to accompany them so long as their actions are righteous. Dormic occasionally does actual cleric work including accounting and scribing books. [/hider]