[hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=f7941d][center]World Narrative[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] Right after Malfurion and Gronar had left the guardian of the entrance to the glade, soon after a FelHound followed after them, bringing it's corruption with it. The ancient tree, magical in nature, denfending the glade was naturally a juicy target for teh fel beast as it's tendrils shot out and sank into the tree's body, starting to drain the magic out of it. The ancient guardian fought against it, but it's magic was being sapped. The tree then started to grow rapidly, pulling the felhound along with it, danging in the air, taller and taller, but the beast did not let go. After minutes of struggle, the tree finally stated to crack, it's body naught, but a husk of it's former splendor. Then the huge ancient protector of the glade finally crumbled with a collosal crash, sending the FelHound tumbling down, injured. But the magic it had drained made it stronger. It was healing faster and then it suddenly started to growl as it literally split into two felhounds. Then it split again until there were four of them and then once more bringing the amount to six. With a triuphant grotesque sound they dashed back to the deeper parts of the forest towards the next greater source of magical energy, the demigod. [u][b]Gronar, Fabios Location: Cenarius's Glade.-[/b][/u] Cenarius was NOT pleased with the attitude of his guest. His face now held a mighty scowl, his eyes narrowed onto the paladin." I think you do not understand the gravity of your situation." The demigod replied, his voice seemingly calm, but very cold." Signs are spreading across the world of corruption and danger that's not supposed to be present upon these lands. Some among my kind believe you and your companion are among it's heralds. To stop that danger, they are more than ready to sacrifice your life, because if you are truly part of the danger, the alternative of letting you roam even a few moments more is incredibly grim!" The demigod explaimed as the Dryad behind him jolted backwards. She didn't seem to be speaking, but the demigod did turn in her direction, their eyes locking for a moment." You sure, my daughter?" He asked as the dryad started nodding vigorously before she heard some sound in the surroundings nad darted off in some direction. There was something really wrong going on here as moments later from the opposite direction onto the glade burst forth a nightelf in really simple clothing and something Fabios would unmistakenly recognize as a orc warrior. Mulfurion having finally led the orc to their destination after leaving the tree." SHAN'DO! Danger's encrouching the Glade!" The night elf shouted as soon as he saw Cenarius." We encountered some faul abominations that my companion here recognized as something called FelHounds! Some kind of demons according to his words! They seem to be eating magic!" The night elf hurried to explain as in the distance behind them a mighty rumble could be heard. The young nightelf suddenly turned onto heels as he felt the pain the entire forest felt at this very moment. "A mighty guardian and old friend just fell..." The demigod stated and looked at the human paladin, then at the creature that his student had brought." It appears the riddle gets ever harder to solve... I'm undoubtedly yearning to learn how you came to meet this being..." Cenarius said as he eyed the orc, but didn't really react anything beyond that." As for what you said... something faul is about to arrive... It appears the ancient magics that protected my old friend made him a victim instead of defending him." He added, his voice pained, as unearthly growls and hows could be heard from the distance. "Human, it seems tis was not meant to be, guess we will all be fighting for our survival here, you have anything you want to add on these creatures my student called FelHounds?" Cenarius asked the paladin, his voice cold still. He had a sneaking suspicion that this human might also know of them. He was just about as outlandish as the being the young nightelf had brought. He wasn't pleased, but there wasn't much he could do. He felt the forest dying as these creatures get closer to them." Malfurion, grab that treebranch!" He suddenly shouted and pointed at the piece of wood." Fashion a weapon out of it by following your companion's mind. You could do it as a druid, I see he's unarmed and these beings are too dangerous! You two, make this weapon and I shall give it my blessing, making it stronger than any steel and sharper than any blade!" He stated. [u][b]Draven, Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase).- [/b][/u] Having the human warlock get into his grasp, the dragon suddenly flapped his wings hard as it's monumental body was propelled upwards, along with the relatively smaller human who was oddly unphased by the winds or the rapid movement. Rather he couldn't feel those at all as complex magics were swirdling around him, protecting him from all effects of the rapid movement. Then the dragon started to soar through the air towards a destination even deeper into the mountains. All that could be seen were colossal jagged rocks, the occasional spring of running water down the slopes and some greenery here and there. Finally after what seemed to be a few brief minutes, another colossal shadow even bigger than the one Kras was throwing blocked the moonlight. If Draven would take a look around and for the source, he would notice an even bigger red dragon that was soaring higher into the skies. He wasn't alone though, there were others, if you looked for them. All doing something and not minding the one carrying Draven. Then as they flew, they found themselves at the entrance of a massive cavern, huge enough to allow even the biggest of dragons enter into the cavern without worries. The inside of this cavern would be weird to Draven's senses. There was basically no way for this to be inside that mountain. This cavern was too huge, whole dragon flights could fly side by side without any issues. In fact there were a number of other colors of dragons flying about. There appeared to be dragons of every flight, except the bronze dragons." Weird..." Draven would hear Kras muttering as the red golliath had noticed the other dragons." Did someone call for a gathering after I left in search for the disturbance?" He used. Finally after some more flying underground, the dragon brought the warlock to the entrance of another cavern that was somewhat smaller as the dragon landed onto the ground and let the warlock down. Out in front of them was the most massive red dragon that Draven would have ever seen. Kneeling in front of the dragon was already another human like figure, but something was off. The difference was apparent because well the figure toward over him with at least twice his height. It was a female, covered in magical runes." Ahh, Korialstrasz, seeing you've returned and bringing this one with you, I take it he's the source of the disturbence?" A melodic female voice echoed across the cavern as the Red Dragon Queen shifted her gaze at the warlock." Very curious, especially after I got very interesting news from this one before you." The queen continued." Apparently, someone's tempering with time. I was forced to call for a gathering." She stated as matter of fact and looked at Draven." I assume you too have arrived here the same way, especially after taking into acount that you have the corruption of the fel upon you, mortal?" The queen asked." Otherwise, no one upon this world should have the understanding to become a warlock of your calibre. Ahh where are my manners, I'm Alexstrasza, Aspect of Life and the Queen of the red flight. What's your name, warlock?"