----Traverse town---- Soren stood there and unsure about several things he nodded cause he was sure that right now Kazen was lucid. If he was supposed to find people then Soren would follow. After all he was supposed to get Kazen out if here and it wasnt like they didnt have time to explore and see what the fuck was going on. It would take a while for Soren's plans to move forward anyhow. "Alright Kazen I'll follow you and back you up but you must promise me that you'll fight back the control if they influence you. You can use the dark as a tool but you mustn't become its tool. Also you and I need to figure out a damn way to show each other we are who we are besides trying to kill the other." Soren gave a light smile and dispersed way to dawn but kept Grimoire out though the light from the emerald dimmed. "Where to next? Our search in the world of light didnt bear much fruit. I wish we could find remnants of the data world that the dandelions lived in for so long." Soren leaned on his keyblade thinking and waiting for Kazen to make his next move.