In the Space Station Echo, the hustle and bustle of civilian workers and scientist's run around working hard making sure the life support systems are functioning properly, the artificial AI programming in the system for the artificial dragoon unit is functioning properly, making sure the Soldiers, Elites, and projects are getting food and the proper amounts of Serum necessary to have the Projects who are involuntary to serve in the fight against the rebellion. It is about chow time and the soldiers are all taking a break from their extensive training field exercises to enjoy a hot 'meal'. A young project was amongst those ranks. Redesigned after an older model he agreed to never name himself over the false pride going through his mind. The serum changes the genetics slightly in him due to the older model type. From a dark sea blue to a dull grey. HIs model is #153, an aviation unit capable of piloting any aircraft of vehicle with the most expertise on hand. With an added function he was given (And although thought over many times before it happened) added the infantry Project's ability of regeneration, Project #154's ability was to master any weapon available, along with hand to hand combat, his flaw was his ability to resist the serum over time due to his regeneration status, always rejecting the mind control. "The start of the resistance." The first CEO quoted. 154's struggle against a tyrant proved to end in failure. His dying works through a radio stated "Fend for... yourself... and you will free yourself..." he said as a soldier puts a final bullet in his head. The boy remembers the broadcast clearly from a few weeks ago, displaying on why the rebels think their fighting a cause and may win. One stood against many. The boy looked at himself and sighed blinking his dull grey eyes down at his oven baked chicken and rice. with an eye twitching some of his friends who are soldiers comes over. "Sup red?" One of them asks, Private Carlson was his name, fairly built for an 18 year old, slimmed down, blond high and tight, green eyes. The average look for a rifleman. "Hello Privet Carlson." The boy says still looking at his food. "Cut the crap man, the serum stuff can't be that bad for you? Right?" Carlson says. The boy nodded and looked up at the young rifleman. is eyes greyer and duller then usual, but still noticeable from the whites around it. "Damn red..." "Why do you call me red?" He asks out of curiosity. "Well your sixteen, don't know your name, your pale so it be rude to call you little white kid, but your hair is dark red and it matches you perfect... I wouldn't call you a ginger for the fact that you look like a killer." He says explaining. "I see, the CEO will be eating here today, supposable to give morale to the elite unit." "Other projects seem to eating here too... the loyalists group is growing." Red nodded and looked around at all his technique brothers and sisters. "Like a family." Below on the unnamed resistance planet the rebellion is currently under fire by a squad of soldiers lead by a fire-team leader Elite. He is conducting buddy rushing to cancel out the rebels gorilla warfare to get closer to their targets. The fight takes place in a dense forest full of green trees and shallow water. Vines and branches seem to be the biggest obstacles to be in the way for both sides. The leader of the rebellion is currently in the firefight as well. His name is Captain Killday. He stands at a fair height of 5'9" and has long black hair symbolizing his carless but brutal way of battle. His motive is to drive away the System in hopes to have a safe place for refugees from other planets come and live peacefully. To the system this is a sign of terrorism and must be destroyed at once. Gorilla warfare is working its magic, shoot, run,, ambush, shoot again. An endless cycle of that will overwhelm any human soldier. The Elite is the only one who can see passed this maneuver and try to point out their points of stikes. One by one soldiers die by the hands of the rebels and even the Elite takes a shot. "Keep up the fire! WE GOT THIS!" Killday yells motivating his troops as they continue their efforts to kill, or capture."