[center][h2]Ria[/h2][/center] [@Scarifar][@rawkhawk64][@Bartimaeus][@AtomicNut] [hr] Ria cocked an eyebrow as the girl she'd just seen sputter up blood, collapse on the floor, and ducking fie, rose ton her feet and proceeded to get...real friendly. She signed as the other girl got what could only be described as a grip. She let her indulge for just a bit, tilting her head to the side and staring listlessly at the wall between Brutus and the ghostly boy. The [i]other[/i] ghostly boy. What, was exploding how they reproduced? She considered Michaels words. He had a point. There was no way for them to fight, especially carting around her lame ass. "You're right. You guys did your part. Saved a lot of lives in here. No reason to go out and get yourselves killed. But, I think there's one last issue in here we have to address." "Honestly, flat justice," she said, looking down at Diana as she lifted up one arm and extends two fingers. "Right at this moment I wouldn't mind you putting your fingers wherever you like, iiiiiiffff..." She struck quickly and decisively, shoving her fingers up Diana's nose and trying to peel the other girl off. "If I thought you were really Diana right now! I might be high as a kite, but I still got a great view from up here. And let me tell you, your mouth might tell lies but that body don't. Michael, wrestle this bitch!" Wrestle this bitch they might have done, were it not for the sudden shock that cracked the walls and send Ria tumbling off Michel and onto the ground amidst the bodies. The lights flickered once, twice, then gave up the ghost and they were all engulfed in darkness save for the light that managed to find its way through the cracks. [center][h2]Gilliam[/h2][/center] [@supertinyking] [hr] Gilliam had no knowledge of the threat posed by the masked men. In fact he took their intrusive pile on as an opportunity to sate his hunger. Tendrils exploded out of him, wrapping the cultists, drawing them closer as his back bulged and deformed. It spilt down the middled, opening up into a great maw with teeth like tombstones and greedily flapping tongue. The side dishes throwing themselves at his mouth was thrilling, but he found he was having some trouble. The main course, it seemed, had been overcooked. His skin was hard, chewy, with the texture of old tires. He knew because he had eaten tire before like this, just ripping and chewing with as many mouths as possible. It was inefficient and crude. Luckily for Gilliam, he was civilized now. He could utilize utensils. Gilliam shrank slightly as he pushed more of himself into his tentacles and all along the them new tentacles formed, smaller, like hairs. Some were topped with small, sharp blades of bone, others three pronged barbs, and still others just shriveled little tubes. His mouths ceased there ravenous chewing and there was a bubbling sound as the tubes shook, bulged, and then spit clear burning stomach acid onto the areas his teeth were having trouble with. Not missing a beat the prongs stabbed down into the affected area as the blades went to word, rapidly moving back and forth to cut the meat into chunks so the forks could deliver it into the patiently waiting mouths. Bon appetite! Was there anything more civilised and elegant that this? Even still, he could feel that his opponent was far more brutish in his methods. It shook him, to feel the familiar sensation of teeth sinking into his flesh. He almost lost it, almost fell into a pit of paranoia and terror, but realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "It was you." He said calmly, eyes coming into the sharp focus of the fundamentally insane. "You're the one I've been feeling. You're the one I've been hiding from for the past month. You? [i]You?[/i]" he laughed wildly, joyously. "Pitiful old men. Joyless, wretched creature, I got you again. You were hunting me, but I got the drop on you! Hahahhahahahahahah!" He was still laughing when the masks went off, and Gilliam was blow all across the street. The end of the tentacles tangled with the cultists flopped back and forth like a beheaded snake as parts of the boy it had been attached to rained down around them. It slammed, spasmed, weakly jerked, and laid still. But it hadn't stopped. The furious work of the little knives, the little forks, the little dedicated acid squirters, it hadn't ceased. The tentacle coiled upward, standing for battle like a king cobra, and on the underside right below the smoldering tear where it had been attached to his body a faced resolved out of the flesh. A face that was human like but in now way was it a man anymore. It looked at Legion, and smiled. He would be next. Before that, though, an uninvited guest. Metal clashing against the ground drew his attention. "Luigi." It said, in a voice like air being forced through a hose. "Are we to debate the riddle of steel once more?" The face hacked, and out from its mouth emerged a long, jagged blade of bone. With whip like speed the Gilliam serpent jerked back and swung itself through the air, gripping as tightly as it could to its opponent, to come in and slice from the opposide direction of Luigi to leave the cultist no escape. If luck was with them their blades would meet in the middle of this man.