[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/494392870887882754/564463364055498777/4cebe7081df8de3272af0eedfb3ef760eeb67ea2.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [h2]Latin District (Heading towards the Arc de Triomphe) 'Marguerite' goes forth again[/h2] [/center] [hr] Marguerite smiled as her hand was taken, being lead through the streets of paris, she didn't want to be too rude and overtake her master. Instead taken the time the walk too to study her surroundings, embracing the architecture of the world. At the same time she was scouting for enemy servants. This is what she was supposed to do after all as was her job as her students teacher. Still, she couldn't help but smile happily. To be living again was certainly a benefit. To be living again in france was most certainly a bonus and a bonus that she was happy to use to her own benefit. Perhaps if after they had won... or at least made it through the war together, She could ask her master if they could visit the louvre in less stressful conditions. "Miss, do you think the night tonight is quite serene." Marguerite said enjoying the night breeze. Remaining close in a protective manner to her companion as they entered the Latin district, heading towards the Arc.