Her grasp tightened around the hilt of her blade as the guards poked and prodded her for information. The fatigue her journey brought her had started to form within her appearance and the heat only added to her frustration as sweat beaded over her brow. Just then someone else came into view. He was rugged, and tall … as he came closer, she couldn’t help but notice how much he towered over her. His demeanor was kind yet cautious, his tone was confident, words were well formed and he spoke politely. Her time spent upon shore warped her accent and tainted her words, but she knew that first impressions meant a lot to these people. She figured she would at least try to make a good one. Elora opened her mouth to answer his request though hesitation seized her voice as she noticed more approaching. She cleared her throat [b][color=00CED1]“I know the Southlands are a bit rough aroun’ tha edges, though I didne expect this much of a welcomin party.”[/color][/b], she smirked. [b][color=00CED1]“Lynn Read”[/color][/b], she continued as she dipped her head slightly and tipped an imaginary hat, [b][color=00CED1]“tha threat ya speak of, there are rumors of great bounties ta be collected ‘ere, an’ I got pelts ta trade.”[/color][/b]. Her hand released the blade at her side as she slung the bundle from over her shoulder to show him the various skins. Her lips pursed together and her form straightened. Whatever breeze had found them swept through her thick locks, she tried her best to keep herself composed. She had practiced being presentable before her arrival, deep down, she hoped she’d come off that way. She never really had to do introductions sober before and in this moment, she actually found herself intimidated by the tall, well spoken man. While she was used to the heat, there was something about this that was just unbearable. Her gaze wandered over the gossiping guards and the crowd that started to gather. [b][color=00CED1]“I mean no harm ta ya town, and could do wit sum good whiskey if ya got.”[/color][/b], she added on, [i][color=00CED1]and out of this bloody heat[/color][/i], she thought but didn’t voice. Her attention returned to the man stood in front of her, her features softening for a moment, as if in a desperate plea for respite. She seemed genuine enough, even managed to spark a small smile. [@BCTheEntity][@Stormflyx][@Fetzen][@POOHEAD189][@Mortarion][@Gardevoiran][@The Fated Fallen]