[hr] [sup][i]Business District - Close to River Seine.[/i][/sup] [center][h1]Yazhu Hua[/h1][/center] [sub][center]Mentions: Tristan ([@KoL]). Cerzelium [@Unoedipal] and his Servant [@Phonic][/center][/sub] [hr] The voice of an old man reached her ears, something that partially surprised Yazhu. Not because it was an old man: magus could live beyond the span of normal humans from what she saw. It was because it was a gentle voice, with amicable tones. The kind of voice one associated with an amicable, affectionate smile that would soothe everyone's inner child. Words of unlimited patience and care as wrinkled hands went to care for that scab on your knee, words that'd comfort your heart after falling down the swing, and give some wisdom that's been earned through the years. Yazhu visibly relaxed, and spoke up from her position next to Tristan. [color=a187be]"We'd be happy to speak as well, even if we're meant to defeat one another in the future."[/color] She turned to glance at her Servant to see how he reacted to it before continuing. [color=a187be]"Yazhu, of the Hua family. Come closer, but no less than twenty meters should be between us. I hope you understand my reasons behind this request, Mr. Cerzelium"[/color]. Yazhu would, albeit a bit reluctantly, rest a hand on Archer's shoulder so that he'd help the smaller woman down to the streets. His words before still echoed in her mind and, even though she was sure that he could react fast enough to any possible threats in the area, she still hadn't seen any other Servant besides him before so she didn't know what were they dealing with, a thought that brought her an uneasy feeling to the pit of her stomach.