Dana woke at the same time as the bell, but not [i]because[/i] of the bell. He woke because this is the time that the school woke. For the first few seconds of his consciousness, he could feel everyone in the building rousing themselves. This only lasted the briefest of moments before he returned to himself. His eyes fluttered openand he got out of bed, humming along as a Dolly Parton song played from somewhere else in the dorm. When he stepped outside, the rasping croak of Crow came from up on the roof, picking up the song from where it left off when the other student had left the dorm before Dana did. He walked into the cafeteria, and piled a plate with fruit and bacon(he barely touched grains, personally), and peered around the room. He wasn't one to put much thought into where he sat, or who with, but he saw Imani sitting with Jo, and remembered he'd been meaning to speak to her. Serendipitously, as he approached she was discussing exactly what he needed from her. [color=7bCDC8][b]"So... I'm open for business, right? you two hear anyone needing any potion, you tell them to come to me, right? God knows I could use the cash."[/b][/color] [color=7ea7d8][b]"Well, gods know I have the cash to burn,"[/b][/color] he said as he sat nearby. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Think you can whip something up for me?"[/b][/color] Mainly he knew her through Imani, but her business made her easy enough to approach.