The pokemon swarmed the two murkrows before they knew what was happening. They had known about Celina and figured one murkrow would be enough to deal with her, but the rest of the pokemon was a surprise. The only fighting Jeri kept on fighting her, throwing claws and pecks in her general direction, but with Lance's and Trevor's sudden attack, the murkrow was just weak enough for Jeri's angry tackle to knock it on it's back. It tried to get back up but struggled to do so, and then simply laid in the mud, too tired and hurt to fight back. It was knocked out. The other murkrow recovered from Vi's surprise attack, however her follow up psychic attack didn't seem to do anything notable to harm him. He seemed more annoyed and was about to attack her when Nathan dropped in and smashed his body into the Murkrow. This didn't really do a lot of damage to the bird either, but in the process of getting struck he saw his last ally go down. While no coward, the Murkrow knew a losing battle when he saw one and instead opted to flee. Focusing entirely on evasion he flew off and away from the other pokemon, cursing them in some strange murkrow language. Just as quickly as it started the combat was over, but not all was peaceful just yet. Before them laid at least seven murkrows, one who was knocked out and the other six who were merely asleep. There was no telling when they might wake up; a few even seem to be stirring. Not only that but there was also the pelipper who laid battered and wounded in front of them. It would be unresponsive to any of their attempts to wake or communicate with it; it too seemed to be knocked out. However anyone investigating the big bird itself would notice something in it's mouth; quite a small bounty of berries and other assorted items, including oddly enough letters and a few rocks. Whatever the pokemon choose to do they were once more pressed for time. They could leave now and try to head towards that light in the distance, or perhaps take some time looting the fallen pelipper. Perhaps they could even try to heal it; it may help them in their journey in some way. Perhaps they could use this opportunity to finish off or at least secure the other murkrows still asleep, unless someone wanted to fight them while they were awake and ready to battle. Whatever their choice it was up to the little ones to determine.