Annabeth left the guild with a fat purse and a plan. She had explored the swamps outside of town before, so she was certain she could find the beast easily. If she could get some allies to join her, surely this monster wouldn't stand a chance against them. All she needed was to find worthy warriors and allies. She knew there were plenty of strongmen in town but she couldn't go trusting anyone with the strength to swing a sword; they may flee at the first sign of danger or prove to be cravens who care more for making a quick buck than honor. Not to mention anyone in town who knew Annabeth also didn't really like her; the town guard already thinks less of her even after her part in defending the town, and her own church thinks she's breaking her vows by going into battle. But they just don't understand her. She can't just provide assistance passively through prayer and healing. Askari was an almighty goddess, but she cannot protect those who are not willing to protect themselves. And Annabeth was more than willing to do the protecting for her. As she was wandering through town she heard a wonderful song. It wasn't a song or voice she was familiar with, perhaps it was a traveling bard? Annabeth quicken her pace to find the source when she spotted a fetching young woman singing to the children. Many children ended up orphaned due to the recent battle, and Annabeth had her hands full recovering from her wounds while doing some repairs around town, she couldn't do anything for the children. This made Annabeth want to ask this stranger to join her; though she didn't look like a warrior her kindness showed the right sort of character that Annabeth was looking for. The type of person who's willing to go out of their way to help and be kind to others for the sake of it, instead of merely chase coin. As the woman mounted her horse Annabeth quickly trotted towards her. [color=fff200]"Hold there m'lady on the steed! Hold I say!"[/color] Running beside the woman Annabeth tried to catch her attention. [color=fff200]"My name is Annabeth Elliot, a knight errant of the Goddess Askari! I know this may seem sudden, but I am wondering if you're willing to embark on a quest with me to purge the lands near this town of a dire threat."[/color]