[color=cc3300]”(Aava, please, stay still.)”[/color] Evren plead to the Näkki when she stood up. Her babbling broke his heart; he knew of Aava’s abilities with language, but this seemed like nonsense. Maybe it was a trick, but so long ago Aava could do so much more than just parrot sentence fragments in such a random order. She seemed to really understand his German back then. Was she just delirious from hunger? She still knew his name, or was she just repeating what Lucifer had called out? [color=cc3300]”(Do you… do you even know what you’re saying? What I’m saying? Are you even in there anymore?)”[/color] Quickly crumbling under self-inflicted paranoia Evren took an uneasy step back into a shallow puddle, and then another unknowingly onto the discarded towel. The towel slipped across the floor and flew out from under him, sending him falling back against the counter. He fell down onto the tiled floor into a crumpled heap, hands clutched over the new injury at the base of his skull as he felt his visage tear away. Where raven locks and fair skin had been remained scraggly patches of coarse white hair over coriaceous skin the color of raw sienna. His nails were talon-like and yellowed, curled and vile. He was horrifically skinny, a heap of papery skin clinging to fragile bones. The impact hadn’t even broken skin, but in his weakened state it was more than enough to disrupt his form. [color=cc3300]”Augh…”[/color] Evren groaned and rose to his feet; he hadn’t been hurt badly, nothing his healing factor couldn’t deal with in a few minutes, but the shock and sadness in his sunken onyx eyes showed more than the ability could heal. In immense frustration he slammed his fist down onto the granite countertop he’d used to regain his footing. [color=cc3300]”[i]Kylmä liha, kylmä verta.[/i]”[/color] Evren drew a sharp breath as he pulled his hand away from the forming bruise on his head and looked at his vile hands for but a moment, before balling his hands into fists and directing his icy gaze to Aava as if she were a challenging foe. [color=cc3300]”[i]Vampyyri… nälkä.[/i]”[/color] With that Evren pushed passed Lucifer and out of the bathroom, heading for the door.