[hr][center][h1][color=007236]Mahendra Huq Zalil[/color][/h1] [img]http://st1.bollywoodlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/rkmog-top-5-mahatma-gandhi-portrayals-on-screen-png-92679.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=007236]Location:[/color] Benha (Trains) [Color=007236]Skills:[/color] N/A[/center][hr] It was a pleasent surprise to be reunited with other members of the Fellowship, even if the surprise wasn't that surprising to Mahendra. But it was none the less a comforting feeling to be around people, friends if you'd like, that he'd been around for a little while at least. Especially around Bella, as her presence still discouraged him and his reputation. To him she answered that it had been a life-time since she last visited Athribis, making no further note of it as she talked to the Lord Major. Something about those words didn't sit right with Mahendra, ever the superstitious man if one took into consideration the unexaplainable events that had befallen them. It was probably nothing though. His concerns were as brief as the desert was hot, as his attention was demanded by the other members of the Fellowship. The Lord Major commented on the technological marvels of the trains they were to ride in, while Lauren asked Mahendra how his morning had been. [color=007236]"It has been far better than last night, that much is certain. Except for a brief cold shiver, I am able and ready, thank you very much. I wish the same goes for you, Lauren?"[/color] Mahendra kindly spoke to Lauren, carefully placing the train-ticket in his wallet as they were getting ready to board the train. He did take note of Nora's assestment of their situation, and it too sent a brief shiver down his spine. Were they destined to be befallen by accidents, curses and death wherever they went? If the Gods so commanded, but Mahendra hoped not. Mahendra remained outside of the train for the moment, letting the ladies of the Fellowship board the train before himself, as dictacted by the manners of a proper British gentleman. [color=007236]"Quite so, Sir! Ladies first. Lauren, Miss Kingston and Miss Benaszewski."[/color] Mahendra said to the remaining group outside the train, waiting for them to board it before he himself would. [hr][center][h1][color=#255DB3]Richard Barker[/color][/h1] [img]http://images.complex.com/complex/image/upload/t_article_image/pxv8ashdo6bwszyzi55g.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=#255DB3]Location:[/color] Benha (Trains) [Color=#255DB3]Skills: [/color]N/A[/center][hr] Richard wasn't sure of what hurt the most. His nose or his professional pride. It could have been both for all he cared, because his nose was from as sturdy as it once had been back in his prime. After the barber knife incident and his now signature scar right up in his face like the lights on Broadway, it was both a mark of shame due to all the attention it drew to him, and now sore after his run-in with the telegraph pole from Hell. Then again he had made a fool of himself the whole day prior, and today was faring no better for the detective. If he kept up at this rate, perhaps he'd much rathed preferd what Faye suggested would happen to him. Death. At least then he wouldn't have to be the only sore loser around the block. [color=#255DB3]"Yeah, yeah I'll be fine...Let's just get there before anything else cathces up with us and screws us over three-fold."[/color] Richard answered Faye as he accepted her help to get back up on his feet, wiping the dust and sand of his pants and looking around like Faye did. He made damn sure to ignore her opening remarks about him needing her, but the fact that she hadn't been scratched this whole ordeal spoke loud enough. So far Faye hadn't seen anything if importance, which made Richard sigh audibly. [color=#255DB3]"Just out luck. Come on then, let's go."[/color] Richard made his way past the thin crowd of people and towards the line of folks getting their tickets to the trains. More specifically, he wanted to talk to the loud-mouthed fella yelling about the time the trains were leaving. [color=#255DB3]"That guy sounds like our best shot so far. I'll ask him."[/color] Richard told Faye, having pulled out his cigarette and getting himself a good breath of fresh air before he promptly placed it back firmly between his lips. He went over to the stall and got in line for those buying tickets, figuring that going around and asking him would only give an already bad impression of the hard-boiled egg of a PI. Once it was his turn, Richard pulled off his sunglasses and looked at the man in the stall, starting his inquiry in his knowledge of Arabic. [color=#255DB3]"صباح الخير ، السلام عليكم. هل تعرف أين يمكنني أن أسأل عن السيد جورج ج. جولد؟ الرجل الذي مول تلك القطارات الجميلة التي تبيع التذاكر لها؟ أنا أعمل من أجل عائلته ، في محاولة للحصول على بعض الأسئلة التي لم تتم الإجابة عليها.*"[/color]