Chris had a nasty feel of the two guys being too much for his fighting style - It had a peculiar flaw of being not so effective when it comes to one-on-one fights, as Kurenai Ryu Taijutsu is more focused on facing groups of enemies rather being focused on direct duels, like Kyokushin Karate, for example. He was there, busy, getting something to wipe down the blood of his wound, and followed Llexe shortly after. With such a limitation in his martial art, staying away was the best solution. Chris also heard Light claiming she could regenerate herself, with her Wolverine-like heal factor, but the same couldn't be said about the other. Still, while he got a neat look at Cobra and Viper... wow. A few more slashes and that unlucky woman would look just like something out of the mutants he fought in Brazil.