[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/515585004693094423/564870123899584512/miraiheader.png[/img] [hr][h3]Canal District - Drifting on the Winds Above [/h3][/center][hr] Like silk on the wind Mirai floated daintily through the skies far above, swaying and swinging this way and that with the sudden gusts with little and less care to their machinations upon her. Down. Down. Slowly but certainly buildings rose up to meet her as she fell with all the gravity of a feather, until she alighted upon the top of an apartment complex and closed her umbrella- as though entirely planned, despite the seeming chaos of the skies. Still, she was far and away from the battle, too far, and it seemed that it would be over long before she arrived at this rate. [color=a187be][i]Dearest Caster, I applaud your restraint, but mercy is wasted here it seems... Still, I understand full the tax upon your patience enacted by such busywork. These matters are beneath you so allow me to pamper you a a bit more.[/i][/color] She spoke wordlessly through the shared connection between them as master and servant- as master and familiar. It was that same connection that she used now, as her eyes closed and his came into focus. The target of ire was identified readily, and already close to falling despite all of the great sage's mercy. Her course of action was laid out, a path to victory through him, from her, to send this dreadful excuse for a magus to hell. Her arms freed themselves of the kimono, all six, and like a blur they wove together with speed altogether obscene. A thousand precision crafted parts that approximated six human hands moved with an absolutely inhuman dexterity as signs arcane were expressed through their motion. [center]"[color=a187be]The Eighth Trigram, The Color Yellow. An Endless Field, Between Heaven and Hell, Where Man Walks Arrogant. Let their Footsteps Falter, Let their Legs Fail, Let their Bones feed the Worms. Open, Wider! Become Insatiable. Chew them to Dust. Swallow.[/color]"[/center] The incantation itself was superfluous, as if saying what was already said. A focal aid to guide her hands as the magic they worked pried the very earth beneath Berserker's master open like a great pair of slavering jaws, to swallow her whole before she could even finish her feeble spell. The fact she could barely stand would certainly do her no favors. [hr][@KoL][@Player 2][@Floodtalon]