[quote=@Stekkmen] you guys think so? i was under the impression that it was off limits, and by "take care of it" [@Lugubrious] meant destroy it. I mean if The Centurion was a flying fire person with dragon wins that would be great. But it might be too dangerous, right? or is it just Bowser who cannot excepet Evil Bowser's spirit because...well, then we would just get evil bowser again, lol. But if any of us could become evil I'm not sure. If anyone had the will to resist the allure of personal power it would be a borderline brainwashed egalitarian, honor-bound fascist. but yeah mechanically it would be pretty neato. but also...potentially evil. Am I just making this up, DM? OOC will any of our characters turn evil if we take the spirit of MDB? Or is it just a risk reward type thing dragon wings...evil....dragon wings...evil hmmm [/quote] It’s things like this that not being in the Discord get you locked out of the loop on. We were all already made aware of how the Bowser spirit worked in the chat server. Sometimes you just miss out. :/