[quote=@ZAVAZggg] Ainz: [i]*Cries out in agony as the blade slides between his ribs and out the other side. Feebly lifting up his hand Ainz reaches for you, his jaw agape as the holy energies surge through him, before pausing to let out a small, yet amused, chuckle*[/i] Triplet Maximize Magic.... Reality Slash. [i]*Three blinding white slashes of energy shoot out of his skeletal hand, tearing through your body with extreme force*[/i] [/quote] *Manages to block two with Excalibur, but the third leaves a deep gash in my armor* I see, monster. You're not as weak as you look. *Excalibur floats in front of me* But looks are deceiving. *The blade swings into you with great force as I cast holy water in your direction*