[@Tangletail] There have never been tales of kobolds who have ever gone to the island and return alive. Hell not even if any dragons who have gone to the ruins and returned. Certainly tales of dragons who live there, but the stories about them seem to make the dragons out more akin to mad beasts than wise and cunning creates kobolds generally worship and follow. Indeed it seems like most of the tales she would know about the ruins are various cautionary tales, as they all end in some form of tragedy brought about either due to the adventurers own bad luck or foolishness. [@Searat] While you e heard these same tales, rarer still are those who have gone to the ruins for a sufficient amount of time and return alive and well. While every one of those person has died already, they have left behind some writings of their experience. Among the writing there are some common threads; Brighthaven is flanked by two massive mountain ranges. The range to the east is said to be rich in mineral resources such as black steel and silver steel, also known as adamantine and mythril respectively. Indeed it’s bt unusual to find fully crafted weapons and armor made of such valuable materials, fully enchanted with powers that allowed one adventurer to turn the tide of war for his nation. That being said what lives in those caves could be anything between a civilization of goblins, a clan of drow, or a massive organization of mind flayers based on their descriptions of octopus head humanoids. The mountains to the west is homes to what few humans have survived in the island. Heavily fortified and equipped with all manner of weaponry scourges from the ruins of Norn, it would be nearly impossible for you all to break through, but if you could control these mountains you would have a safe haven to return to. Most of the humans hav turned to scavengers and raiding what few populations still exist, but anyone with a brain would realize that there’s no way they can live off banditry when there isn’t anyone foolish enough to try and start farming on Norn. So just how have these “humans” survived so many years with little to no food or water? A mystery indeed... Lastly the most o secure rumor lies beyond Brighthaven. Of all of those who managed to survive the city, only one could speak of what he found beyond the treacherous jungle that blocks bright haven from the rest of the ruins. Though he came back blind and cripple, he remembered that there were no ruins at all; there was nothing. Nothing but an abyss, and beyond that, was not death or destruction, but a realm that mirrors our own yet at the same time exist only in ones own perception. This story had a lot of ramble nonsense that was both complex and contradictory, so believe what you will. The only reason this story is known is because there is solid proof via multiple witnesses and an ancient artifact that he had indeed gone to the ruins, and the experienced had changed him permanently before he had died so many years ago.