[hider=Insert joke about looking at my nuts] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/monstergirlencyclopedia/images/c/c8/Ratatoskr0.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181026205303[/img][/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Ratatoskr [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] The Horned Squirrel (He claims his horn is in his pants.) [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Gender:[/b] Male? Female? Says he's a guy, despite being very feminine. So just go with that. _____________________________________________________________________________ [b]Mystical Powers:[/b] - [b]Run Away![/b] - How do you duck out of taking responsibility for anything? Literally running from the problem. Ratatoskr possesses the mystical ability to simply ignore consequence by running from it. No attack can reach him if he chooses to avoid it. In that regard though, he's completely useless at fighting. Because that means he's actually ready to face the consequences, and loses his ability to avoid the problem until at least a day after the situation has boiled down. - [b]ACRONS![/b] - Ratatoskr has a seemingly endless amount of acorns he has collected. Don't ask. - [b]Yggdrasil[/b] - Ratatoskr knows where the branches of the Yggdrasil lay. As such, he can quickly vanish, by simply using one of the branches to transport himself around. As such, he is the ultimate spy. Able to be anywhere in the world, and appearing seemingly out of thin air. As such, our heroes will never really escape him. _____________________________________________________________________________ [b]Personality:[/b] How does one describe the most annoying person to ever exist? Ratatoskr is the kind to damn all consequences to his actions. If he has fun, why bother? Right? In that case, he has damned the whole world. It is he who spreads the insults between Nidhogg and the Eagle, and he who giggles from the suffering it causes. It's because he does not suffer. Perhaps he just enjoys to watch the world burn? Who knows. But he has taken his powers that could be used for good, and uses them for evil. Or perhaps, considering he is who he is, he plays the long game. He can help his enemies, just to see how far they'd get. [u][b]Skills:[/b] [/u] - [b]Distraction[/b] - He's great at that. Just keep aiming at him. You'll never hit him. - [b]Insults[/b] - Also very good at those. Your mother sucks acorns. [u][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/u] - [b]Fragile loser[/b] - He's a fragile loser. One hit can take him out. That's why he doesn't fight. So he can rely on his powers to simply avoid consequences. - [b]Easily Distracted[/b] - Seriously, if he fights, he loses. He can't win. [u][b] Brief History:[/b][/u] BEHOLD! THE TRUE POWER OF THE MIGHTIEST FORCE IN ALL OF HISTORY! On the very day Ymir was born, another force, his equal and counter was born as well. RATATOSKR! While Ymir was big and weak, Ratatoskr was small and endlessly powerful! But he had become bored of beating up Ymir, and aided Odin in slaying the ice giant ONCE AND FOR ALL! Odin didn't even do anything! It was ALL RATATOSKR! As the new king of all, he quickly became bored with even that, and gave his crown to Odin. But when the king needed him most, Ratatoskr would return! wielding Mjolnir in one hand, and Gungir in the other! He defeated Loki, forged the worlds, and totally saved Baldir's life. [sub]He just went on vacation and never came back.[/sub] BUT IGNORE THAT LAST BIT! For Ratatoskr, hero, slayer of giants, most attractive man in all the nine realms twenty centuries in a row... Is also a part time mailman/hobo. If you ever need him, just shout at a random tree. Chances are he'll just fall out of it. But seriously, he's a squirrel with an ego. That's it. [b]Other:[/b](Anything else you think everyone needs to know about your character.) [/hider]