[color=teal][h3]Aava[/h3][/color] [@Kinjaav] [hr] [i]'Are you even in there anymore?'[/i] Aava did not know. It had been such a long time. So many years, lost and cramped. No room to move. No one but her own mind, screaming to be let out. It had been so long she no longer remembered who she was. If she even was someone. Still, hearing this man she distantly recognised as familiar seem so upset awakened a similar response in Aava. [i]Friend upset. Friend hurt.[/i] Evren was on the floor, blood seeping from the back of his head. Aava let out a hiss in worry, scrambling out of her little lake of a tub. Water splashed everywhere, but before it hit the floor, it began floating as if by mind control, swirling closer to Aava's skin. [color=teal]"Evren-"[/color] Aava begun, her rough voice cracking in the middle. But the man had already scrambled up, heading for the door. [i]Vampyyri.[/i] That was familiar. Just as Evren was familiar. Aava couldn't place it, but she trusted this man to not hurt her. She felt like she needed to protect this man. [i]Friend.[/i] Wet hair trailing behind her, Aava scrambled after Evren, following him like a lost puppy clinging onto the one familiar thing in a world full of completely strange things. [i]Is friend mad?[/i] Aava was confused and hungry. She wanted something to eat. Something to feel stronger. She hadn't eaten in... in such a long time. Following the scrappy man, Aava tried to get his attention. [color=teal]"(I... don't leave me, don't... I don't know where... who...),"[/color] Aava stuttered, scrambling over the words like she was trying to piece the components of language back together. There was lingering panic in her voice, as she tried to hold on to the one thing she could make sense of.