[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4f5b0b9f-931a-4c1a-88d6-2d21e5830bd9.png[/img][/center] David's face paled as the Cultist implications sunk in. He glanced around at the widespread destruction around him. If that thing had really leveled half the arena then he had a snowball's chance in hell of beating it. David started contemplating how best to make a swift escape. If he fired a stream of water into the things face he could probably distract it long enough for him to draw a quick circle and escape. "Rurik, take Yuuto." Bak suddenly ordered causing David's thoughts of escape to halt, "Go to warn Tovarisch. Take care of Vittorio." He visible twitched as her steely gaze passed over him as she leveled her weapon at the cultist, "I'll be giving covering fire." "You're not serious." David heard a man say, echoing his own thoughts. He looked over to see a St. Laurel's student, Alto, looking quite frustrated. "You're on my side now?" Alto said with every bit of confusion also reflected by David. "What kind of game are you people playing?" David had no idea what this guy was on about, but it seemed Bak didn't care either, because instead of answering the man she instead decided to start unloading into the Cultist. This seemed to force the issue with Alto as instead of pressing for answers he immediately went into action and launched his own attack at the creature. The flashing lights and exploding flak made for an impressive display of destructive power, but David couldn't help but feel like it wouldn't be enough. He once again considered his options, looking at his fire nozzle and then looking at Bak and Alto. [color=8882be]"I am severely outclassed here."[/color] He thought depressingly, [color=8882be]"This guy could kill me in one blow."[/color] David realized that his body was shaking and that he had been clenching his teeth together. This creature terrified him and all his survival instincts were screaming at him to get the fuck out, [color=8882be]"This isn't my fight. It's better to leave this to people much more qualified than myself."[/color] He reasoned, [color=8882be]"I'm not a coward. I'm just being realistic."[/color] David again looked at Bak readily laying her life on the line to fight for her friends, to even fight for him a stranger. David aims the fire nozzle and fires a stream of water aimed right at the Cultist's face. He quickly switches to holding the fire nozzle with just his left hand and draws his pen. [color=8882be]"I can leave."[/color] He thought, [color=8882be]"I should leave."[/color] He didn't budge, [color=8882be]"Fuck."[/color] David draws a circle, but not on the ground. He instead drew a new two-inch radius circle on his back. He would side steps right up to Bak keeping the water on the Cultist as he does so. [color=8882be]"Hey, tank girl."[/color] He says just loud enough to be heard over the roar of the water. [color=8882be]"You want to do more than tickle him?"[/color] David would point at the circle on his back.[color=8882be] "Stick your gum through that circle when I give the word and we can set this assholes world on fire. Close!"[/color] As David says this he drops the fire hose as the water abruptly stops. In the distance at Mephisto's school for the wickedly inclined. A firebox explodes as a hose, left on max pressure, bursts from its housing, shooting water everywhere and smashing everything around it. David pockets his pen and holds up his now free hands with circles drawn on the palms. [color=8882be]"Open times 9!"[/color] The two circles on David's palms and the seven on his chest would light up. Bak would see the small circle on David's back light up where he told her to put her gun barrel. If she does so, Bak would see nine identical copies of her gun emerge from the portals. In response David would look over at her a nod. The rest would be up to her.